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In a two digit number, the ten’s digit is three times the unit’s digit. When the number is decreased by 54, the digits are reversed. Find the number.

Last updated date: 09th May 2024
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Hint: Assume that the required two digit number is ‘$xy$’ with $x$ as its ten’s place digit and $y$ as its unit’s place digit. Use the given information to form two linear equations in two variables. Solve the obtained equations to get the number.

Complete step-by-step answer:

Let us assume that the two digit number is ‘$xy$’. It is given that the ten’s digit is three times the unit’s digit. Therefore, Mathematically,


This is assumed as equation (i).

Now, we have been provided the information that, when 54 is subtracted from ‘$xy$’ then digits are reversed, that is, the number becomes ‘$yx$’. Therefore, mathematically,
  & xy-54=yx \\
 & xy-yx=54....................(ii) \\

We know that any number has its place value and face value. Place value states the position of a digit in a given number, whereas face value describes the value of the digit. For example: we take a number 74. In this number tens place digit is 7, so 10 is the place value and digit 7 is the face value. Similarly, at ones place 4 is present, so place value is 1 and face value is 4. So, 74 can be written as $74=7\times 10+4\times 1$.

Similarly, writing equation (ii) in this form, we get,
  & (10x+y)-(10y+x)=54 \\
 & 10x+y-10y-x=54 \\
 & 9x-9y=54 \\
 & \\

Cancelling 9 from both sides, we get,

Now, substituting the value of $x$ from equation (i) in equation (iii), we get,
  & 3y-y=6 \\
 & 2y=6 \\
 & \therefore y=3 \\

Substituting the value of $y$ in equation (i), we get,
  & x=3\times 3 \\
 & \therefore x=9 \\
Hence, the two digit number is $xy=93$.

Note: One should not get confused in place value and face value of any number. The number we have assumed is ‘$xy$’ and, $x\text{ and }y$ are simply the face values of tens place digit and ones place digit respectively.
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