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Identify the figure of speech in the following sentence:
Books are her holiday.

a) Simile
b) Metaphor
c) Personification
d) Synecdoche

Last updated date: 25th Apr 2024
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Hint: In the given sentence, a direct comparison is being made. This kind of comparison is only made in one figure of speech.

Complete answer:
A figure of speech is a word or phrase that possesses a separate meaning from its literal definition. Figures of speech are often fantastical and dreamy, so they are most apt to be used in movies, literature, and poetry.

Let’s look at the given sentence: “Books are her holiday” refers to books being an escape for the subject. The meaning that it lends itself is that the subject finds books comforting and relaxing. Here, a direct comparison is being made between ‘holiday’ and ‘books’. The comparison is direct because there is no insinuation, it is presented as a fact.

Now, we know the meaning of the sentence. Let’s examine our options:

a) simile - A simile is an indirect comparison between two unlike things using the words "like" or “as”. However, there is a direct comparison in the given sentence, so it cannot be a simile. So, this is an incorrect option.
b) metaphor - A metaphor makes a direct comparison between two, unlike things or ideas. There is a direct comparison in the given sentence. So, the figure of speech is a metaphor. So, the correct answer is “Option b”.
c) personification - Personification gives human qualities to non-living things or ideas. There are no human qualities being attributed to the books in the given sentence. It is not personification. So, this is an incorrect option.
d) synecdoche - Synecdoche occurs when a part is represented by the whole or, conversely, the whole is represented by the part. There are no quantities being substituted for a whole, or vice versa. It is not synecdoche. So, this is an incorrect option.

Note the different kinds of peculiarities of each figure of speech in the given options. Then, try to understand exactly what the sentence is trying to say. Afterward, choose the most appropriate option.
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