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Identify the correct word from the given options, which means the following:
A person claiming to be superior in culture and intellect to others.

A) Highbrow
B) Elite
C) Aristocrat
D) Intelligent

Last updated date: 03rd May 2024
Total views: 398.7k
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Hint: The word that will have a meaning similar to the given sentence will be the correct answer. The word should mean that the person claims to be superior in terms of intelligence and culture.

Complete answer:
Let us analyze each option one by one.

Option A is ‘highbrow’. The word highbrow refers to the person who claims to be intelligent and elite. This also means that the person has money and the person shows himself/herself to be culturally more superior. Therefore, option A seems to be the correct answer.

Option B is elite. A person who is elite belongs to the rich section of the society. They are generally high-class people. This option does not have a meaning similar to the given sentence; therefore, option B is incorrect.

Option C is an aristocrat. An aristocrat is a person who belongs to the group having a high social ranking. The person is given high or superior status in society. But this meaning is different from what is mentioned in the hint. Therefore, option C is also incorrect.

Option D is intelligent. The word means to have intelligence, knowledge, and is superior in terms of intellect. But this meaning is different from what is mentioned in the hint. Therefore, option D is also incorrect.

So, the correct answer is “Option A”.

The meaning of the given sentence or phrase needs to be correctly understood and the meaning of each option should be then analyzed in light of the meaning of the sentence to find the most suitable answer.
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