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Identify the concrete noun in the following sentence:
I have a lot of respect for my teachers.
a) I
b) respect
c) my
d) teachers

Last updated date: 08th May 2024
Total views: 409.2k
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Hint: Concrete nouns are the opposite of abstract nouns.

Complete step by step answer:
Concrete nouns are nouns that can be identified with one of the five senses of taste, touch, sight, hearing, or smell. They are nouns that denote a material object unlike abstract nouns, which denote intangible things. Now, we know what concrete nouns are. Let’s have a look at our options one by one:

a) I - This is a pronoun. It can be clearly identified as a pronoun, because it is replacing a noun. It is not eligible to be a concrete noun. So, this is an incorrect option.
b) respect - The word ‘respect’ denotes an intangible thing. This can be defined as an abstract noun. It is not a concrete noun. So, it is an incorrect option.
c) my - This is a possessive adjective. Possessive adjectives are used to denote ownership/possession. It is an adjective because it is modifying the noun ‘teachers’. Hence, it is not a concrete noun. So, it is an incorrect option.
d) teachers - The word ‘teachers’ can be defined as a concrete noun, because it is a material noun. The concept of ‘teachers’ is tangible. Hence, it is a concrete noun. So, this is the correct option.

Note: Use the method of elimination to identify the parts of speech in the given options and pick out the correct option.

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