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Identify the adjective form of the word in the bracket to complete the sentence:

She leads a ____________ (heal) lifestyle to stay fit.


Last updated date: 11th May 2024
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Hint: You have to find out the adjective form of the word heal. An adjective is a word that describes or modifies a pronoun or a noun.

Complete step-by-step answer:

 Adjectives are commonly used to describe a noun or a pronoun. In this question, the noun is a lifestyle.
The word ‘heal’ given in the question means to become sound and healthy again, in other words, to recuperate.
Heal is a verb.

The adjective form of the verb heal would describe someone who is in a good physical and mental condition; in good health.

In the given question:

Option (a.) is the noun form of the given verb ‘heal’. Health refers to the mental and physical condition of a person.
Option (b.) is the adverb form of the given verb. Healthfully refers to doing something in a healthful manner.
Option (c.) is the adjective form of the given verb. Healthy refers to being in a good mental and physical condition or being in good health.
Option (d.) is a neologism of the given verb. Healthism is the neologism that describes ideological constructs concerning health and medicine. It is not an adjective.

Therefore, option (c.), ‘healthy’, is the correct choice since it is the adjective form of the given verb.

Note: An adjective always describes the noun or pronoun. Do not get confused between an adjective and other forms of words.

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