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Who of the following was for the first time designated as the Governor of India?
A)Robert Clive
B)Lord Cornwallis
C)Lord William Bentinck
D)Lord Wellesley

Last updated date: 28th Apr 2024
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Hint: The Governor-General of India, was the representative of the monarch of the United Kingdom. The term, in short, is referred to as Viceroy of India. The title of Viceroy was scrapped when British India was split into Pakistan and India.

Complete answer: Now, let us go through the options: Option A: Robert Clive was also known as Clive of India. He along with Warren Hastings was credited for laying the foundations of the British empire in India. This option is not correct.
Option B: Lord Cornwallis, was a British Army General and is remembered for enacting legal reforms, land management practices and Civil administrations.
Option C: After the Revolt of 1857, the assets of the East India Company came under the control of British Raj. Lord William Bentinck, was the first official Governor-General of British India, by the Charter Act of 1883 under which the Governor-General was given exclusive legislative powers for British India. This post was for administrative purposes and was reported to the Court of Directors of the East India Company.
Lord William Bentinck, was a British soldier and has been credited for various educational and social reforms in India including abolishing Sati under his reign from 1828 to 1835. He also introduced English as the language of instruction in India.
 Option D: Lord Wellesley, was a colonial administrator. He came to India in 1798 and introduced the Subsidiary Alliance. This option is not correct.

Note: The Governor-General served five-year terms but if they were to be replaced, or left a provisional Governor-General was appointed until a new officer was appointed. These Governors-General headed the central administration of India.
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