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Who was the first Indian ruler to enter into the Subsidiary Alliance System?
A.The Nawab of Oudh
B.The Nawab of Hyderabad
C.The nawab of Carnatic
D.None of these

Last updated date: 03rd May 2024
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Hint:The policy of subsidiary alliance was firstly introduced by Lord Wellesley. Under the subsidiary alliance system, the ruler of the allying Indian State was forced to accept the lasting stationing of a British force within his territory and to pay a subsidy for its maintenance.

Complete answer:
The Nizam of Hyderabad was the first to enter into a Subsidiary Alliance System. Tipu Sultan of Mysore was refused as a part of this alliance, but after the British victory in the Fourth Anglo-Mysore War, they became forced to become a part of a subsidiary alliance and it became a subsidiary state. After that, the Nawab of Awadh accepted the Subsidiary Alliance, in 1801. After the Third Anglo-Maratha War, other groups were forced to join in the alliance that the Maratha ruler Baji Rao II also accepted a subsidiary alliance. On behalf of that many of the states to become part of an alliance like Hyderabad (1798 and 1800), Tanjore (1799), Awadh (1801), Bhonsle (1803), and Indore (1817) are forced to become part of it.
The term "Subsidiary Alliance” was first introduced by French Governor DupleixIt. There is certain Key points of the Subsidiary Alliance
1. The allies of the Indian state’s rulers were forced to accept the permanent stronghold of the British Army within their territories and they were compelled to pay a subsidy for its maintenance.
2. The Indian ruler has no permission to employ any European in their service. They can only employ with prior approval of the British.
3. They could not be ready to discuss with any other Indian rulers without consulting the Governor-General.
4. A British occupant was also stationed in the Indian Court.
5. The rulers who enter into a subsidiary alliance have no permission to join any alliance that includes any other power or announce war against any power without the agreement of the British.

Hence, the correct answer is option (B).

Note:Lord Wellesley signed the first subsidiary alliance. The Subsidiary Treaty was signed with the Nizam of Hyderabad in 1798. The Nizam was to release his French-trained troops and to maintain a subsidiary force of six battalions.
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