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Find the area of the rectangle with sides 37mm and 19mm.

Last updated date: 28th Apr 2024
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Hint: The area of the rectangle with sides 37mm and 19mm is calculated by the formula of area of rectangle, whose length and breadth are given. The formula for calculating the area $=L\times B$ .

Complete step-by-step answer:
Before starting to solve the question, we must first know what a rectangle is. A rectangle is a plane figure with four straight sides and four right angles. In other words, a rectangle is a quadrilateral with four right angles. The dimensions of the side of a rectangle may or may not be the same. Now, we will calculate the area of the given rectangle with sides 37mm and 19mm. Let us assume that the length of the rectangle is 37mmand breath of the rectangle is 19mm. The area of rectangle when its length and breadth is given, is gives by the formula shown below:
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Area of rectangle $=length\times breadth$
In our case, length = 37mm and breadth = 19mm. after putting these values in the above formula, we will get the area of rectangle as:
Area of rectangle $=37mm\times 19mm$
$=703m{{m}^{2}}$ .
Thus, the area of the rectangle with sides 37mm and 19mm $=703m{{m}^{2}}.$

Note: The area of the rectangle may also be calculated as shown below:
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We will make a diagram BC by joining B and C. Now the rectangle is divided into two right angled triangles. The total area of the rectangle will be the sum of areas of the triangles. Thus, area of the rectangle ABCD is given by:
Area of rectangle ABCD = Area of triangle ABC + Area of triangle BCD.
Area of rectangle ABCD $=\dfrac{1}{2}\times \left( AC \right)\times \left( AB \right)+\dfrac{1}{2}\times \left( CD \right)\times \left( BD \right)$
$=\dfrac{1}{2}\times 37\times 19+\dfrac{1}{2}\times 37\times 19$
We could have also solved the question by joining A and D calculating the areas of the respective triangle.