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Find out the error and correct the given sentence:
I always suggest the local Chinese place in my area to people: they make their items in less oil, and the food is not very expensive too.
a) No error
a) i always suggest the local chinese place in my area to people they make their items in lessoil, and the food is not very expensive too.
b) I always suggest the local chinese place in my area to people they make their items in lessoil, and the food is not very expensive too.
d)I always suggest the local chinese place in my area to people: they make their items in less oil, and the food is not very expensive too.

Last updated date: 26th Apr 2024
Total views: 398.1k
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Hint:The correct option would be the option without a grammatical mistake in how Proper Nouns should be written and usage of proper punctuation marks. Need to check carefully if a proper noun has been used as an adjective.
Example: He can write roman numerals up to a thousand.

Complete answer:
>Option a – No Error:
This option indicates that there is no mistake in the sentence in question.
>Option b – i always…:
There are two mistakes in this option- 1) The pronoun I has been written in small letters as ‘i’.
 2) The sentence is missing an essential punctuation mark after ‘i always suggest the local chinese place in my area to people’ which makes it lose its sense.
>Option c – I always …:
The second mistake from the option ‘b’ has been repeated and this also misses the punctuation mark.
>Option d – I always …:
This option carries the pronoun or the subject in capital letters as ‘I’. “local chinese place’ may appear as an error however ‘chinese’ here has been used as a common adjective and doesn’t refer to the country ‘China’. Hence ‘chinese’ here has to be in small letters. Lastly, this sentence uses the required punctuation mark ‘:’ after ‘I always suggest the local chinese place in my area to people’ and makes the sentence meaningful.

The option ‘d’, thus, has no error as it complies to all the grammatical requirements.

Note: Subjects or Proper Nouns or Pronouns always have to be in capital letters. Sometimes a Proper Noun is used as a common adjective and thus loses capitalization like ‘the chinese place’ which here means that there is a place which sells some Chinese food. Lastly, after ‘I always suggest the local chinese place in my area to people; a punctuation mark is a must to expand the statement.
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