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Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word:
It is not fair to cast ______ on honest and innocent persons.
a. aspiration
b. aspersions
c. inspiration
d. adulation

Last updated date: 28th Apr 2024
Total views: 402.9k
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Hint: A noun is a naming word used to identify a person, place, object or quality. For example, her honesty was admired by all. Here, honesty is a noun which means the quality of being honest.

Complete answer:
From the hint given to us, we understand the meaning of a noun. Let us analyse the given options one by one to find the correct answer.
a. Aspiration means ambition or desire of achieving something. It is a noun. For example, it was tough for her to fulfil the aspirations of her family. We observe that it does not fit the context of the given sentence correctly. Hence, we can say that option ‘a’ is not the correct answer.
b. ‘Aspersions’ is the plural form of the noun, aspersion. It means to defame or malign someone’s reputation. For example, society cast various aspersions on her due to her outgoing nature. We observe that it fits the context of the given sentence correctly. Hence, we can say that option ‘b’ is the correct answer.
c. Inspiration means the feeling of enthusiasm to do something after being influenced. It is a noun. For example, Malala is an inspiration to many young girls. We observe that it does not fit the context of the given sentence correctly. Hence, we can say that option ‘c’ is not the correct answer.
d. Adulation means excessive admiration or appreciation. It is a noun. For example, Sara became very arrogant due to all the adulation she used to receive. We observe that it does not fit the context of the given sentence correctly. Hence, we can say that option ‘d’ is not the correct answer.
Thus, we can conclude that the correct answer is option ‘b’ - aspersions.

Note: Such questions require you to have an extensive vocabulary to be able to identify the correct answer. All the given nouns in the options are abstract nouns. Abstract nouns are the nouns that identify things that cannot be physically sensed.