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Cropland ecosystem is a natural ecosystem
(a) True
(b) False

Last updated date: 08th May 2024
Total views: 405k
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Hint: It is not a self-sustaining ecosystem and requires constant interventions by humans.

Complete answer: The Cropland ecosystem is an artificial ecosystem. An ecosystem forms the basic building block of an environment which consists of both biotic and abiotic components and their continuous interactions with each other. Ecosystems are mainly two types; natural ecosystem and artificial ecosystem.
Ecosystems made by man for commercial or other benefits are known as an artificial ecosystem. These ecosystems are modified by humans for their profit. It can be either terrestrial or aquatic. The human-made system by artificially setting plants, animals, and people living in an area together with their surroundings. But, such ecosystems have almost no value compared to natural ecosystems except for exhibition and studying a bit of ecology. Examples of artificial ecosystems are aquariums, crop fields, dams, gardens, zoo parks, etc.
But in the natural ecosystem, the interactions and processes should be natural and are not influenced by any human activity like artificial ecosystems. Examples of natural ecosystems are deserts, grassland, forest, etc. These ecosystems are not concerned with human existence and continue existing in their natural state. Even though it is like that, ecosystems, with the time change in the event of environmental changes regardless of human existence. In a natural ecosystem, the relationship between organisms and the environment is more complex.
So, the correct answer is ‘false’.

1. Zoo parks are considered as artificial ecosystems because of placing animals in human-made areas similar to their natural habitat.
2. Genetic diversity is high in the natural ecosystem.
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