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Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given word/ phrase:
a) Place
b) Agenda
c) Time
d) Duration

Last updated date: 03rd May 2024
Total views: 405.3k
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Hint: Venue is the location where an event is organized. It is a noun. A noun is a naming word used to identify a person, place, object, etc. For example, the venue of her marriage was very difficult to locate.

Complete step-by-step answer:
From the hint given to us, we understand the meaning of the given word, venue. Let us analyze the given options one by one to find out which one best expresses the meaning of ‘venue’.
a)‘Place’ is a location or an area. It is a noun.
For example, the birthday party is happening at her place.
We observe that it correctly expresses the meaning of the given word. Hence, the option ‘a’ is the correct answer.
b)Agenda is the list of things that are to be done or discussed. It is a noun.
For example, all the important points on the meeting’s agenda were thoroughly discussed.
We observe that it does not express the meaning of the given word correctly. Hence, option ‘b’ is not the correct answer.
c)Time is the measurement of a period during which an action occurs. It is a noun.
For example, always being on time is a good habit.
We observe that it does not express the meaning of the given word correctly. Hence, option ‘c’ is not the correct answer.
d)Duration is the period during which something progresses. It is a noun.
For example, the movie’s lengthy duration made it very dull.
We observe that it does not express the meaning of the given word correctly. Hence, option ‘d’ is not the correct answer.
Thus, the option ‘a’ - place is the correct answer.

Note: All the options are related to the details of an event like venue, which is a detail of an event too. However, it is ‘place’ which is similar in meaning to the venue. For solving such questions, you must have an extensive vocabulary.

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