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Choose the word that is opposite in meaning of the given word.

Last updated date: 25th Apr 2024
Total views: 407.1k
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Hint: The meaning of ‘Quiescent’ is a state of being inactive or quiet. The opposite of this should mean or nearly mean something which is not quiet or is active.

Complete step-by-step answer:

Option a ‘Troublesome’ means something that is exasperating or not in control and has no characteristics of stillness. This option nearly matches the antonym of the given word and can be considered as the correct option.
Option b ‘Weak’ means to lack power or to have an inability in terms of physical strength to perform certain usual actions. The term has no relation with the meaning of the antonym of Quiescent and so, cannot be the antonym of Quiescent. This option is incorrect.
Option c ‘Indifferent’ means to have no sympathy or interest in a certain thing. The meaning is in no vicinity to the meaning of the opposite of the given word. So, option c is the incorrect option.
Option d ‘Unconcerned’ means to show a lack of worry or concern towards a particular thing. This option also doesn’t show any similarity with the word’s antonym and hence is the incorrect option.

Note: Troublesome is not exactly the opposite of the given word but nearly matches the of the same and so, it is the right choice.

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