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Choose the option that puts the adverb in the correct position in the sentence:
The sun is brightly shining.

A) The brightly sun is shining.
B) Brightly the sun is shining.
C) The sun is shining brightly.

Last updated date: 25th Apr 2024
Total views: 396.3k
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Hint: Adverb is a word or a phrase which helps to modify or qualifies an adjective, verb, or any other adverb or a word group. It expresses a relation of place, time, circumstance, manner, cause, degree, etc.
Example- “She spoke softly.”

Complete step by step answer:
To find out the correct option that puts the adverb in the correct position in the sentence, we first need to analyze all the options provided in the question:
A) The brightly sun is shining: Adverbs are inserted after the verb. The verb here is ‘shining’ and the Adverb is ‘brightly’. Hence, this is not the correct option.

B) Brightly the sun is shining: Since the Adverb ‘brightly’ is not after the verb ‘shining’, hence, this is not the correct option.

C) The sun is shining brightly: Since the Adverb ‘brightly’ is after the verb ‘shining’, hence, this is the correct option.

D) NO CHANGE: This option is not correct because there is a change in the given statement.

So, the correct answer is “Option b”. The sun is shining brightly.

 Adverbs can also be inserted before the verb according to the statement given and it can also be put in the beginning or end of a statement.

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