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Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of-
a) Beg
b) Hide
c) Bicker
d) Imprison

Last updated date: 26th Apr 2024
Total views: 395.4k
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Hint:The dictionary meaning of the word “cadge” is “ask for or obtain (something to which one is not strictly entitled). For example: He cadged fivers off old school friends.

Complete answer:
It is a verb which means to borrow without intent to repay; the beggar obtained by begging. Sometimes, it also means – a padded wooden frame on which hooded hawks are carried to the field. In the given question we are asked to choose the word which best expresses the meaning “cadge”.
Now, let us examine all the given options, to find out the correct answer:
Option ‘a’ is Beg. It is a verb which means asking someone earnestly or humbly for something. For example: He begged his fellow passengers for help.
Option ‘b’ is Hide. It is a verb which means to put or keep out of sight. For example : He hid the money in the house.
Option ‘c’ is Bicker. It is a word that means to argue about petty and trivial matters. For example : Couples who bicker over who gets what from the divorce.
Option ‘d’ is Imprison. It is a verb which means put or keep in prison or place like prison. For example : He was imprisoned three times for his activities.
As we have analysed all the given options, we can easily figure out the correct answer. Here, the word which best expresses the meaning of “cadge” is “beg”. So, the correct answer is “Option a”.

All the other options are plausible distractions. One must have a vast vocabulary and know the meanings of all the given options to find out the correct answer.
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