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Choose the appropriate synonym for the given word:


Last updated date: 25th Apr 2024
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Hint: A synonym is a word that is similar in meaning to another word. In the given question, gall refers to the contents of the gall bladder. A gall bladder is an organ near the liver which produces bile. Gall is also used to refer to the bile. Bile is an extremely bitter digestive juice that helps in digesting food. When we vomit, the bitter taste that we feel in our mouth is bile.

Complete step-by-step answer:

  The gall bladder produces bile which is very bitter. In some places, people use the word ‘gall’ to refer to bile in a proverbial way. Therefore, gall is synonymous to ‘bitterness’. Thus, the correct option is a.
Option b is wrong because the poison is a product that kills living things. For example, Socrates died because he drank a cup of poison.
Option c, ‘sour’, is a type of taste. For example, lime is sour. Therefore, it is not a synonym of ‘gall’.
Option d is incorrect because ‘gall’ is a type of taste. ‘Sour’ (mentioned above) is also a type of taste. Gall does not mean ‘taste’. An example of a sentence is: I do not like the taste of pineapples.

Note: We know that ‘gall’ does not exactly mean ‘bitterness’ but it is the correct answer because gall refers to bile. Bile is very bitter in taste. Therefore, it is important to read the question and its options carefully. Sometimes, the correct option is to be selected in reference to the other given options and it is exactly not the meaning of the given word.

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