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Choose the appropriate synonym for the given word:

A. Clinch
B. Flinch
C. Airy
D. Fairy
E. Cheery

Last updated date: 26th Apr 2024
Total views: 402.6k
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Hint: In this question we need to look for the synonym of the given word Nymph. Let's first understand what synonyms mean – Two words with a nearly common meaning or same meaning words are called synonyms.

Complete answer:
The word Nymph means: in Roman and mythological stories a spirit or a beautiful goddess in the form of a young woman that lives in trees, mountains, rivers, etc.

Now let’s examine and understand the given option above.
> Clinch: The word clinch means: To achieve something after putting in a lot of effort or to manage a win and get whatever you actually want after a long discussion and struggle, so it is neither related nor appropriate to answer the given question.
Synonym: Settle, Secure, etc.
Example: We actually went to clinch one deal and got it after a long period of discussion.

> Flinch: The word flinch means: To make sudden and small movements because of pain, fear or surprise. It is a kind of small movement that we make when something very strange happens or we feel some pain, so it is neither related nor appropriate to answer the given question.
Synonym: Shrink, Pull back, etc.
Example: He flinched when I tapped on his shoulders.

> Airy: The word airy means: A room having plenty of space and well ventilated where air crosses easily or a building which is very spacious having fresh air inside, so it is neither related nor appropriate answer for the given question.
Synonym: Spacious, open etc.
Example: This room is cozy and airy.

> Cheery: The word cheery means: It is a kind of small, soft round fruit with bright or dark red colour but the word cheery is also used in different ways like to show happiness, and good moments so it is neither related nor appropriate answer for the given question.
Synonym: Reddish, Blood-red cherry, jolly, joy, glad, etc.
Example: My younger brother loves to eat cherry.

> Fairy: Here the word fairy has the same meaning in stories “a small girl or a beautiful woman with pretty outfit and magic power”. As it is related and appropriate answer for the given question

So the suitable synonym will be option [D] Fairy.

Note: For choosing the correct option knowing actual meaning is necessary of the given question because synonym is something which defines the word having the same meaning.
Try to identify the meaning of the word and evaluate whether it has a positive negative or neutral connotation.
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