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Between Sri Lanka and India lies the _______________.
(A) Palk Strait
(B) Gulf of Mannar
(C) Both A and B
(D) None of these

Last updated date: 17th May 2024
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Hint: India and Sri Lanka are two countries that are located in Southern Asia. Sri Lanka is an island nation, southeast of the Indian subcontinent and India is a nation that is bounded by the Bay of Bengal on the east, the Arabian Sea on the west, and in particular by the Indian Ocean.

Complete step-by-step solution:
The Palk Strait and Gulf of Mannar separate India from Sri Lanka and thus both of them lie between India and Sri Lanka.
The Gulf of Mannar is a large shallow bay. It forms part of the Laccadive Sea in the Indian Ocean with the least depth of $5.8$ m (19 ft). It lies in the Coromandel Coast region between the south-eastern tip of India and the west coast of Sri Lanka. The chain of reefs and low islands known as Adam’s Bridge (also called Rama Sethu in India) separates the Gulf of Mannar from Palk Bay.
The Jaffna District of the Northern Province of the island nation of Sri Lanka and the Tamil Nadu of India consists of a strait in between them, known as the Palk Strait. It connects Palk Bay in the southwest with the Bay of Bengal in the northeast. With a minimum depth of less than $9.1$ m, it is 85 miles long and 40 to 85 miles (64 to 137 km) wide. Many rivers flow into it.

Thus, option (C) is correct.

Note: The unique feature around Palk Strait is that the waves around it are of high contrast which is to its South and North. The waves of the Bay of Bengal on the south, in Palk Bay are mostly sea waves while those to the north mostly swell waves. The significant wave heights in Palk Bay regions are relatively low despite being a sea dominated area. Around $0.5$ m is the average significant wave height in Palk Bay close to Adam’s Bridge.
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