ICO Mock Test PDF for Class 11 and 12, ICO Syllabus, Exam Pattern
FAQs on ICO Olympiad Mock Test
1. How to Download ICO Mock Test PDFs?
Ans: Vedantu provides ICO Mock test PDFs that can be easily downloaded. Visit Vedantu’s page of ICO Mock Test, there you will find links to download ICO Mock Test PDFs which are free of cost. which is created by our subject experts. Students can evaluate their level of knowledge and preparedness with the help of these mock tests as Vedantu’s ICO Mock Tests contain detailed explanation, solutions and process for answers. This will help you to identify your mistakes and understand how to evaluate them. In fact, self-evaluation is the best methodology to keep track of your progress.
2. Can the exam be given in any other language apart from English?
Ans: Well, the ICO exam is available in English, it is the most recommended and it is the most chosen language among the students. So for a better experience, it is suggested to take up the test in the English language itself. Taking up the exam in the English language will be easier once you practise more in the same. All the important questions and mock tests available on both Vedantu’s website and mobile application. You can download that for free and practice with that.
3. What kind of questions come in the ICO Olympiad?
Ans: The ICO is an objective mode exam, the question nature of ICO is objective as well. Majorly mathematical questions based on the subjects- Accountancy, Business Studies and Economics will be asked. Other than these, direct questions that involve theoretical knowledge of these subjects will be asked.
4. Can I also view the previous test results on Vedantu?
Ans: After logging in you can view your test history. So yes, your previous scores are recorded, you can keep track of your progress. On the website, enter your credentials and log in, there you can find the history of your progress. You can compare your scores and understand how much you have improved. This tool will truly help you record and improve your preparation.
5. Can students register individually ?
Ans: The process of registration is kept fairly simple since it is a portal for students. Students can register themselves and it will hardly take a few minutes for the whole process. The entire process is well explained in a step-by-step manner on the Vedantu website. It is also a guided sign up, so you can make use of it.