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Life Processes MCQs for NEET 2025

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How Do We Distinguish Living Things From Nonliving Things?

All the living organisms have specific characteristics, distinguishing them from non-living forms. The basic processes of life are six in the count: respiration, nutrition, metabolism, transportation, reproduction, and excretion. In humans, who lead the most complex form of life, there exist additional requirements such as growth, respiration, differentiation, excretion, and digestion. All processes are interrelated to each other. None of the body parts, starting from the smallest cell to a complete body system, works in isolation. All these functions together, in a manner of fine-tuned balance, for every individual's well-being and to maintain life. Disease like cancer and death represents a disruption of the balance in these life processes. There are many objective questions on life processes. Let us see a few MCQ of life processes.

The matter in our surroundings is composed of both living things as well as non-living things. How do we distinguish living things though? Well, to answer this question, we have to go back to our elementary classes where we have already learnt about the characteristics of living beings such as living things - grow, intake food, respond to stimuli, etc. Therefore, these are the things that distinguish living things from nonliving things. To know more about how living things live, we are going to talk about various life processes in this article.

Importance of MCQs

In general, the Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) are recognized as the most useful and widely applicable type of objective test elements. They could measure the most important educational outcomes, such as understanding, knowledge, judgment, and problem-solving.

By preparing these MCQs once after completing every topic, we can attempt the competitive exams like NEET efficiently and effectively.

Let us Look at the MCQs on Life Processes or Only Life Processes MCQs.

1. Lack of oxygen in muscles results in cramps on the cricketers often. Is this result due to ____?

a. Non-conversion of glucose to pyruvate

b. Conversion of pyruvate to glucose

c. Conversion of pyruvate to ethanol

d. Conversion of pyruvate to lactic acid

Answer: (d)


Lactic acid is formed in the muscle from the carbohydrates metabolism in the cells. When muscles work hard (such as during the time of exercise), the ament of O2 needed is used for consumption during energy production. Thus O lacks in the muscles. This results in another process, anaerobic metabolism. The process of a product obtaining the energy anaerobically is lactic acid, which is built up in muscles that cause pain. Lactic acid, however, helps in the actual healing process.

2. The internal (cellular) energy reserve in autotrophs is called ____?

a. Glycogen

b. Starch

c. Protein

d. Fatty acid

Answer: (b)


Using the material in the form of water and carbon dioxide, converted into carbohydrates in the presence of chlorophyll and sunlight. Carbohydrates are utilized to provide energy to the plant. The carbohydrates that are not used immediately are stored in the starch form, which serves as an internal energy reserve to use as and also when required by the plant.

3. During contraction, what prevents the backflow of blood inside the heart?

a. Valves in heart

b. Thick muscular walls of ventricles

c. Thin walls of atria

d. All of the above

Answer: (a)


Valves ensure that blood doesn’t flow backward when the ventricles or atria contract. Since the ventricles have to pump blood into various organs with high pressure, they have thicker walls compared to atria. The separation of both the left and right sides blue-black of the heart by the valve also helps keep deoxygenated and oxygenated blood from mixing to supply a high amount of oxygen to the body.

4. Identify the event that doesn’t occur in the Photosynthesis in the given list.

a. Oxidation of carbon to carbon dioxide.

b. Absorption of light energy by the chlorophyll.

c. Reduction of carbon dioxide to carbohydrates.

d. Conversion of light energy into chemical energy.

Answer: (a)


Carbon dioxide is used in photosynthesis for food products. The oxidation of carbon compounds occurs in the respiration.

5. Entities exhibiting the properties of both non-living and living are called _____?

a. Lichens

b. Bacteria

c. Diatoms

d. Viruses

Answer: (d)

6. Which of the substances given below are transported by the blood plasma?

a. Carbon dioxide

b. Nitrogenous waste

c. Food

d. All of the above

Answer: (d)

7. Identify the small intestine from the list given below.

a. Carnivore

b. Herbivore

c. both (a) and (b)

d. None of the above

Answer: (a)

8. The chlorophyll is used in photosynthesis for ____?

a. No function.

b. Breaking down the water molecule.

c. Reduction of carbon dioxide.

d. Absorbing light.

Answer: (d)

9. Here, the maximum material exchange between the blood and its surrounding cells takes place.

a. Heart

b. Veins

c. Capillaries

d. Arteries

Answer:  (c)

10. The enzymes that are found in the secreted intestinal juice finally convert ____?

a. Proteins to amino acids.

b. Fats into fatty acids and glycerol.

c. Complex carbohydrates into glucose.

d. All the above

Answer:  (d)

11. The structure given below guards the opening of the hepatopancreatic duct into the duodenum.

a. Pyloric sphincter

b. Sphincter of Oddi

c. Semilunar valve

d. Ileocecal valve

Answer: (b)

12. The respiratory pigment in human beings is called ____?

a. Hemoglobin

b. Enzymes

c. Insulin

d. None of these

Answer: (a)

13. Reduction of blood pH will

a. Reduces blood supply to the brain.

b. Reduces the heartbeat rate.

c. Decrease the hemoglobin affinity with oxygen.

d. Releases bicarbonate ions by the liver.

Answer: (c)

14. Pick the correct one from the following.

a. Plasma = Blood – Lymphocytes

b. Lymph = Plasma + RBC + WBC

c. Serum = Blood + Fibrinogen

d. Blood = Plasma + RBC + WBC

Answer: (d)

FAQs on Life Processes MCQs for NEET 2025

1. Which of the following are the energy foods?

a. Carbohydrates and fats

b. Proteins and mineral salts

c. Vitamins and minerals

d. Water and roughage

Answer: (a)

2. The mode of nutrition found in fungi is called ____?

a. Holozoic nutrition

b. Saprotrophic nutrition

c. Autotrophic nutrition

d. Parasitic nutrition

Answer: (b)

3. In which mode of nutrition, an organism derives its food from the body of another living organism without killing it?

a. Saprotrophic nutrition

b. Autotrophic nutrition

c. Holozoic nutrition

d. Parasitic nutrition

Answer: (d)

4. The site of photosynthesis in the cells of a leaf is known as ____?

a. Chloroplast

b. Protoplasm

c. Cytoplasm

d. Mitochondria

Answer: (a)

5. The roots of the plants absorb water from the soil through the process of ____?

a. Diffusion

b. Transpiration

c. Osmosis

d. None of the above

Answer: (c)

6. Which of the below events in the mouth cavity will be affected if the salivary amylase is lacking in the saliva?

a. Starch breaks down into sugars.

b. Absorption of vitamins.

c. Proteins break down into amino acids.

d. Fats breaking down into fatty acids and glycerol.

Answer: (a)

7. When some iodine solution drops are added to rice water, the solution turns into blue - black in colour. This indicates that rice water contains ____.

a. Complex proteins

b. Simple proteins

c. Starch

d. Fats

Answer: (c)