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Difference Between Electron Gain Enthalpy and Electronegativity

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What is Electron Gain Enthalpy and Electronegativity?

Electron gain enthalpy and electronegativity are two important concepts in the field of chemistry that help us understand the behavior of atoms and the formation of chemical bonds. They provide insights into the reactivity of elements and their ability to attract or gain electrons.

Defining Electron Gain Enthalpy

Electron Gain Enthalpy: Electron gain enthalpy refers to the energy change that occurs when a neutral atom gains an electron to form a negatively charged ion. It is a measure of the atom's ability to attract and hold an additional electron. A higher electron gain enthalpy value indicates a greater attraction for electrons and a higher likelihood of gaining an electron. Electron gain enthalpy can be either exothermic (releasing energy) or endothermic (absorbing energy) depending on the atom's ability to stabilize the added electron. It is influenced by factors such as atomic size, electronic configuration, and the shielding effect of inner electrons.

Defining Electronegativity

Electronegativity: Electronegativity is a measure of the ability of an atom to attract electrons in a chemical bond. It is a property associated with atoms in molecules or compounds, indicating their relative attraction for shared electrons. Electronegativity values are assigned to elements on a scale, such as the Pauling scale, which quantifies the electronegativity difference between atoms. The higher the electronegativity value of an atom, the greater its ability to attract shared electrons towards itself. Electronegativity is influenced by factors such as atomic size, nuclear charge, and distance between bonded atoms.

Factors Affecting Electron Gain Enthalpy and Electronegativity

Electron gain enthalpy and electronegativity are influenced by various factors that determine the ability of an atom to attract or gain electrons.

Here are some key factors that affect electron gain enthalpy and electronegativity: 

Atomic Size: The size of an atom plays a significant role in determining its electron gain enthalpy and electronegativity. Generally, smaller atoms have higher electron gain enthalpy and electronegativity values because the electrons are held more tightly due to the stronger attraction from the nucleus. As the atomic radius increases, the electron gain enthalpy and electronegativity decreases. 

Nuclear Charge: The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom, also known as the nuclear charge, affects electron gain enthalpy and electronegativity. As the nuclear charge increases, there is a stronger attraction for electrons, leading to higher values of electron gain enthalpy and electronegativity. 

Electron Shielding: Electron shielding refers to the effect of inner electrons on the outer electrons. When there are more inner electrons, they shield the outer electrons from the full effect of the nuclear charge. As a result, electron gain enthalpy and electronegativity decreases because the outer electrons experience a weaker attractive force. 

Effective Nuclear Charge: Effective nuclear charge is the net positive charge experienced by an electron in an atom. It takes into account both the nuclear charge and the shielding effect of inner electrons. Higher effective nuclear charge leads to higher electron gain enthalpy and electronegativity values. 

Electron Configuration: The arrangement of electrons in the atomic orbitals of an atom influences electron gain enthalpy and electronegativity. Elements with half-filled or fully filled orbitals have relatively lower electron gain enthalpy and electronegativity values because gaining or attracting electrons would require breaking stable configurations.


Bonding And Molecular Structure: In the case of electronegativity, the type of chemical bond and the molecular structure can affect its value. Electronegativity tends to be higher for atoms involved in ionic bonds compared to those involved in covalent bonds. Also, the presence of electronegative atoms in a molecule can influence the electronegativity values of neighboring atoms.

Application and Significance of Electron Gain Enthalpy and Electronegativity

Electron gain enthalpy and electronegativity are important concepts in chemistry that have significant applications and implications in various fields. They provide insights into the behavior of elements and their involvement in chemical reactions.

Here are some applications and examples showcasing the significance of electron gain enthalpy and electronegativity: 

Predicting Reactivity: Electron gain enthalpy and electronegativity help predict the reactivity of elements. Elements with high electron gain enthalpy or electronegativity values tend to readily accept or attract electrons, making them more reactive.

For example, halogens such as fluorine and chlorine have high electronegativity values, leading to their strong attraction for electrons and their involvement in various chemical reactions. 

Bonding and Molecular Structure: Electron gain enthalpy and electronegativity influence the type of chemical bonding and molecular structure that can form between atoms. Elements with significantly different electronegativity values tend to form ionic bonds, where electrons are transferred from one atom to another.

For example, sodium (Na) and chlorine (Cl) form an ionic bond in sodium chloride (NaCl) due to the large difference in their electronegativity values. 

Polarity of Molecules: Electronegativity is also used to determine the polarity of molecules. When atoms within a molecule have different electronegativity values, the molecule becomes polar, with regions of partial positive and partial negative charges. This is important in understanding the behavior of molecules in chemical reactions and their interactions with other molecules.

For instance, water (H2O) is a polar molecule due to the difference in electronegativity between oxygen and hydrogen atoms. 

Solubility and Intermolecular Interactions: Electronegativity influences the solubility of compounds in different solvents. Polar solvents dissolve polar compounds due to the ability of the solvent molecules to interact with the partial charges on the compound. Covalent compounds with similar electronegativity values are often soluble in nonpolar solvents.

For example, ionic compounds like sodium chloride (NaCl) readily dissolve in water, a polar solvent, while covalent compounds like hexane (C6H14) dissolve in nonpolar solvents. 

Periodic Trends: Electron gain enthalpy and electronegativity exhibit periodic trends across the periodic table. These trends help in understanding the variations in properties and behavior of elements as you move across a period or down a group. For example, electronegativity generally increases from left to right across a period, while it decreases down a group. 

Difference Between Electron Gain Enthalpy and Electronegativity



Electron Gain Enthalpy




The energy change that occurs when an atom gains an electron to form a negative ion.

The tendency of an atom to attract shared electrons towards itself in a covalent bond. 


Nature of Measurement

It is a thermodynamic property and is measured in terms of energy (kJ/mol).

It is a relative property and is measured on a scale or a numerical scale called Pauling scale. 


Type of Attraction

Describes the attraction of an atom for an additional electron.

Describes the attraction of an atom for a shared pair of electrons in a covalent bond. 



Indicates the stability of an anion and its ease of formation.

Indicates the relative strength of an atom's pull on electrons in a covalent bond. 


Factors Affecting

Nuclear charge, atomic size, and electron configuration.

Nuclear charge and atomic size


Periodic Trend

Generally increases across a period and decreases down a group.

Generally increases across a period and decreases down a group. 



Chlorine (Cl) has a high electron gain enthalpy as it readily accepts an electron to form Cl- ion.

Oxygen (O) has a high electronegativity, leading to its ability to attract shared electrons in a covalent bond.


In summary, electron gain enthalpy and electronegativity are essential concepts in chemistry, highlighting the electron-attracting tendencies of atoms. Electron gain enthalpy describes the energy change when an atom gains an electron, while electronegativity quantifies an atom's ability to attract shared electrons in a chemical bond. To differentiate between electron gain enthalpy and electronegativity, it is crucial to grasp that electron gain enthalpy gauges the energy change that occurs when an atom acquires an electron, whereas electronegativity quantifies an atom's capacity to attract shared electrons in a covalent bond. Understanding these concepts enables scientists to predict chemical reactivity, explain bonding behavior, and analyze the nature of various chemical interactions.

FAQs on Difference Between Electron Gain Enthalpy and Electronegativity

1. What is the significance of electron gain enthalpy?

Electron gain enthalpy provides insight into an atom's tendency to gain electrons and form negatively charged ions. It helps predict chemical reactivity, as atoms with higher electron gain enthalpy values are more likely to accept electrons and participate in reactions such as oxidation and reduction. Additionally, electron gain enthalpy assists in understanding the stability of an atom's electron configuration and its position in the periodic table.

2. How does electronegativity affect chemical bonding?

Electronegativity plays a crucial role in determining the type of chemical bonding, particularly in covalent compounds. When two atoms with different electronegativities bond, the shared electrons are pulled towards the more electronegative atom, creating a polar covalent bond. In cases where electronegativity difference is significant, an ionic bond may form, where one atom fully transfers electrons to another, resulting in the formation of ions. Electronegativity helps predict the nature of chemical bonds and the distribution of charge within molecules.

3. Can electronegativity and electron gain enthalpy be used to explain periodic trends?

Yes, both electronegativity and electron gain enthalpy exhibit periodic trends across the periodic table. Electronegativity generally increases from left to right across a period and decreases from top to bottom within a group. This trend is influenced by factors such as atomic size and effective nuclear charge. Similarly, electron gain enthalpy tends to increase across a period from left to right due to increasing effective nuclear charge, while it generally decreases down a group due to larger atomic size and increased shielding effects. These trends help explain variations in reactivity and bonding behavior across different elements.