NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 16 Garbage In, Garbage Out In Hindi PDF Download
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Hindi Chapter 16 Garbage In, Garbage Out
1. Write a story on how packaging increases the amount of garbage present according to Chapter 16 of NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science?
Packaging plays a huge part in the marketing of products. Manufacturers go an extra length to make sure that the packaging of their products is attractive enough to lure customers. The market is full of products of all kinds wrapped in unnecessary packaging. Most of this packaging is made of plastic and non-biodegradable products. All this packaging later ends up in the garbage. This not only increases the wastage of resources but also overfills garbage dumps.
2. What are the benefits of using the NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 16?
Vedantu ensures that students are made to understand Chapter 16 for Class 6 Science well along with providing the NCERT Solutions at free of cost. These Solutions can be accessed from the official website of Vedantu or from the Vedantu app . These Solutions are extremely beneficial for the students because:
They are prepared by teachers who are experts in their fields.
The solutions are straightforward and descriptive, and thus easily understandable by the students.
They are crafted as per CBSE guidelines.
They are regularly updated as per the syllabus.
They are prepared in English and Hindi.
3. What are redworms?
Redworms are a type of earthworms that are used for vermicomposting. Vermicomposting is a method of preparing compost using redworms. It is also called worm-composting that helps to turn kitchen scraps into rich black soil that can be used to grow a host of plants. It is a great method to reduce waste. Redworms can help decompose different kinds of foods, coffee, weeds, etc. However, they do not turn plastic products into compost.
4. How can the non-useful component be reused?
Garbage has both useful and non-useful components. The garbage collectors or "Safai Karamcharis" separate these two components. The useful component is used to make compost, etc. The non-useful component is then spread in a landfill and soil is spread over it. Such landfills may be converted to parks or playgrounds. No building should be constructed over such landfills for at least two decades. This is how a non-useful component of garbage is reused wisely.
5. How relevant is Chapter 16 “Garbage In Garbage Out” in our daily lives?
We live in a time where waste management, pollution, global warming, climate change, are terms that have become a part of our daily lives.
Waste management is a global challenge of the 21st century. Billions of tons of waste are generated regularly around the world. This causes several issues if not treated properly.
As responsible citizens, it is our duty to play a part in proper waste disposal. Hence, this chapter is extremely crucial for everyone.