English (Footprints without Feet) Chapter 8 Bholi Question Answer Class 10 - FREE PDF Download
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Chapter 8 Bholi
1. What are the Ways to Prepare Great Answers for Class 10 English?
The best way to prepare good answers is by reading the NCERT textbook thoroughly. You can also refer to the solutions of Class 10 English Ch 8 Bholi for better understanding.
2. How Important is it to Follow CBSE Guidelines for Bholi Class 10 Questions And Answers?
If you don’t want marks deducted in your English examinations, you have to follow the CBSE guidelines. All these solutions of Ch 8 Bholi have been formulated by considering the CBSE guidelines.
3. Will Class 10 English Chapter Bholi Question Answer Help in Time Management?
As these solutions have been drafted in the right format, by practising them, you would master the art of time management.
4. Why was Bholi’s father worried about her?
Bholi was different from other children of her age. She was not normal like other kids. She was a mentally challenged girl. Furthermore, she fell from the terrace when she was small. Due to this accident, her brain got injured slightly. She took a lot of time to develop her speaking skills. Though, she was able to speak words and lines. But she used to stammer while speaking. Her entire body and face were filled with pockmarks. Thus, her father was anxious about her marriage and future.
5. Why was Bholi sent to school?
When the tehsildar came to perform an opening ceremony in the village, he asked Ramlal to send his daughters to a new school in the village so he can set an example in front of the villagers as he was the government official. But, his wife was against his decision. She was more concerned about her four daughters' marriages more than their education. However, Bholi was sent to school as she was different from other girls. She was dull, and her parents knew that she can’t get married anyway. So, they have decided to send her to the school to obey the tehsildar’s suggestion.
6. Did Bholi enjoy her first day at school?
During the first day at school, Bholi was a little tense. She got nervous when her teacher asked her to tell her name in the class. She decided to sit in the classroom’s corner as she was attracted by the awesome pictures that were hung on the wall. The loving, generous and kind nature of her teacher made her comfortable in the classroom. By the end of her first day at school, she was fascinated by her new life. Though, she didn’t like to go to school in the beginning. But, when time passed, she loved going to school.
7. Did Bholi find her teacher to be different from others?
At home, Bholi was not given attention by anybody. She was a leftover child in her family. She was not taken care of by her family members. Her clothes were never washed, nor was she bathed properly. She was condemned by everyone. And many people used to make fun of her. But when she joined the school, she found that her teacher was different from others. Her teacher didn’t mock her disabilities. In fact, she used to encourage her every time. Hence, she got attached to her teacher emotionally.
8. Should I use the Vedantu website to understand Chapter 8 of Class 10 English?
Yes, you should definitely use the Vedantu website to understand Chapter 8 Bholi of Class 10 English book Footprints Without Feet. This website will enable you to understand each and every line of the chapter. You will find the content related to this chapter in easy language so you can grasp things in a single reading. At the same time, this online studying platform provides you with various facilities like online video lectures, textbook solutions, mock test papers so you can prepare well for your exams. Vedantu provides all the study materials at free of cost, and you can access these on the Vedantu website or on the Vedantu website easily.