Class 10 English Chapter 6 Mijbil the Otter Question Answers - FREE PDF Download
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 6 Mijbil The Otter
1. Where can I find Class 10 English Ch 6 Question Answers?
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 6 Mijbil the Otter can be availed on Vedantu’s site. The material is available in the free PDF format. Vedantu is known to deliver detailed solutions for Class 10 English First Flight NCERT Chapter 6 Mijbil the Otter. Through the free PDF file, students will be able to know answers to the chapter’s questions provided by subject experts. NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 6 Mijbil the Otter is designed as per the guidelines of the authority.
2. Who is the author of Mijbil the Otter? What motivated him to write this story?
Mijbil the Otter is a beautiful story penned down by Gavin Maxwell, a Scottish author. He wrote this story as he was deeply affected by the death of his beloved pet dog. He was too sad to think of keeping a pet again.
3. Which animal did the author finally decide to keep as a pet in the story Mijbil the Otter?
Maxwell, the author as well as the narrator of the lesson Mijbil the Otter, decided to keep an Otter instead of a dog. The otter was of a race previously not known to Science. Hence, the animal was named Maxwell’s Otter.
4. What is the chapter Mijbil the Otter all about?
The Chapter, Mijbil the Otter, tells us how the writer's life changed when he decided to keep an otter as his pet. The author shared moments about his journey from Iraq to London. He also shared his experiences with Mjbil in this chapter. The story explains the bond between the author and his pet.
5. Who is Mijbil?
Mijbil the Otter, Otter was also known as "Maxwell's otter", whose full name is Lutrogale Perspicillata Maxwelli. He was also known as Mijbil. In the chapter, for 24 hours, the otter was neither unfriendly nor friendly. Mijbil was detached and indifferent. He used to sleep on the floor but soon changed his choice when he saw the bed with the author. He loved to play with water and loved to spend most of the time playing with a rubber ball.
6. What was the name given to the otter?
Mijbil the Otter, Otter was previously known as Lutrogale perspicillata maxwelli or Maxwell's otter by zoologists. But the author called him Mijbil. More information could be obtained for free from the Vedantu website.
7. What happens in the plane Mijbil the Otter?
The author was in great fear of how he would take Mijbil with him to London, as the British airline would not fly animals. So, he decided to book a flight to Paris and from there to London. There, he was told to pack Mijbil into a box of size 18 inches. As soon as the box was opened, Mijbil ran through the whole aircraft. He terrified people, and Maxwell ran after him to catch him. In the end, the situation was all under control. Students can Download Mijbil the Otter's extra question answer for FREE as it provides best practice solutions to score well in exams.
8. How to download NCERT Solutions to Class 10 Mijbil the Otter PDF?
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