Banking (Recurring Deposit Account) Solutions for ICSE Board Class 10 Mathematics (Concise - Selina Publishers)
FAQs on Banking (Recurring Deposit Account) Solutions for ICSE Board Class 10 Mathematics
1. Where can I download ICSE Class 10 Solutions for Concise Selina Mathematics Chapter 2 Banking?
Students can download Class 10 ICSE board Maths Concise Selina solutions on the Vedantu website or the app. Vedantu solutions are precise and help students to clear their doubts and elaborate their answers in case they are stuck at a question. The solutions for all chapters are available to download for free as PDFs and are therefore available offline, which means students can refer to them anytime and anywhere even without having access to the internet. Mathematics is a hard subject to excel at but Vedantu solutions can help students understand the difficult exercises in a simple manner.
2. What is the syllabus for the Class 10 ICSE Mathematics board exam?
ICSE Mathematics syllabus is extensively prepared for Class 10 following the guidelines issued by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE). It is very well structured and contains all the necessary topics that students of Class 10 need to have knowledge about before progressing to the higher classes. The syllabus of Class 10 is divided into two semesters. The final board paper contains the portions of both semesters. Students can find the main section of the ICSE Class 10 below:
Commercial Mathematics
Coordinate geometry
3. How many exercises are there in Chapter 2 of Selina Concise Textbook for Class 10 ICSE board?
Chapter two of Class 10 ICSE board Mathematics syllabus, Banking, contains two exercises; Exercise 2(A) and Exercise 2(B). Both the exercises contain eleven questions each in the Concise Selina textbook for ICSE board mathematics Class 10. These exercises are meant to give the students a revision of the chapter and make use of all the concepts and formulas taught in the chapter. Students can find solutions for chapter two ‘Banking (Recurring Deposit Account)’ solutions for Concise Selina mathematics on the Vedantu website.
4. What is the weightage of internal and external examinations in Class 10 ICSE board exams for Mathematics?
The final board exam for Class 10 Mathematics in ICSE board takes place for 80 marks. The syllabus for both semesters is combined in the final paper. Apart from the 80 mark board exam, students of the class are given 20 marks for internal assessment that makes up their 100 marks for the subject. These internal marks are provided from the assessment that students give in the school. The 80 mark board exam is the external examination and is a two and a half hour paper. While the internal assessment carries lesser marks, it is given equal importance while formulating the result and securing the merit list.