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Science Facts About Energy

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Energy And Interesting Facts About Energy

Has your mom ever told you you need to eat the right foods for energy? So why does she do that? This is because every task that needs to be done requires energy. To pick up a book, you need energy; to walk, you need energy; to climb stairs, you need energy. Otherwise, you won't be able to do so. All of these tasks are work, and all work requires energy to complete. So, let's learn about energy and some fascinating facts.

What is Energy?

Before going further into the types and facts related to energy, let us understand the scientific definition of energy. Energy can be defined as the ability to do work. As discussed above, everything that does any work needs the energy to do that work. But where do you get this energy from? Human beings get their energy from food. Similarly, machines get the energy to do work from fossil fuels like petrol, diesel, etc.

What is energy

What is energy

Measurement Of Energy

Everything in this universe has a unit of measurement. Therefore, energy is also measured in units. In the international measurement system, energy is measured in joules or J. However, energy is also measured in kilowatt-hours, or kWh. This unit is usually used when calculating the electricity used in our homes. 

Types of Energy

Energy is used whenever any work is done. Hence, there are many types of energy. However, the most beautiful aspect of energy is that it can be converted from one form to another. For example, the microphone converts electrical energy into sound energy, the bulb converts electrical energy into light, which is also a form of energy, the batteries convert chemical energy into electrical energy, and so on. Therefore, let us discuss these types of energy in detail.

Types of Energy

Types of Energy

  • Electrical Energy 

Electrical energy is the most commonly used energy today. We use it every day and everywhere. You must have used your mobile phone or energy to switch on the TV. Electrical energy is obtained from various sources.

Low-intensity electrical energy is generated from batteries, while high-intensity electrical energy is obtained from hydroelectric dams. You may be surprised to know that flowing water can also be used to generate electricity, called hydroelectricity. You will learn about hydroelectricity in higher classes. 

  • Chemical Energy

Chemical energy is energy that comes from various chemical reactions. This kind of energy is stored in specific molecules and releases energy only upon any chemical reaction. For example, the electrical energy we get from batteries results from the chemical reaction in batteries. Another example of chemical energy is the petroleum used to move vehicles.

  • Light Energy

Light energy is the type of energy that helps us see things. The sources of light energy are the sun, the electric bulbs used in our houses, lamps, etc. You will learn about the details of light production in the higher classes.

  • Heat Energy

You may have encountered heat energy in various forms, such as a warm glass of milk or hot parathas, which your mom may have served you. Have you ever wondered how these items become so warm or hot? They are hot because of the heat energy used to cook the food items. The heat energy comes from burning the gas in gas cylinders or electric induction heaters.

  • Kinetic Energy

The word “kinetic” means motion. Therefore, the energy of motion is known as kinetic energy. Therefore, when you run or walk, you are said to have kinetic energy. Similarly, any moving body is said to possess kinetic energy. 

  • Potential Energy

Potential energy is also called stored energy. Have you ever heard your teacher say that a specific student has potential? What they mean by this is that the child has the capacity or ability to perform a particular task. Examples of potential energy include the energy stored in a spring when you compress it, objects placed at a height ready to fall under the force of gravity, etc. 

  • Nuclear Energy

Nuclear energy is the energy released during nuclear fusion or fission. A huge amount of energy is released during these nuclear processes. Many nuclear plants derive energy from these nuclear processes in a very controlled manner. This is because these reactions are very explosive, and many things are taken care of while conducting them. 

Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy

Although we learnt about many forms of energy, these forms can be classified into two types: renewable and non-renewable.

Renewable and non-renewable energy

Renewable and non-renewable Energy

Renewable energy is the type of energy that can be recycled, and the sources of this type of energy are not quickly exhausted or used up. Examples of renewable energy include solar energy, wind energy, etc.

Non-renewable energy is the type of energy that cannot be recycled, and the sources of this energy are quickly exhausted. Examples of this type of energy are fossil fuels like petroleum, diesel, etc.

Science Facts About Energy

  • Fuels used in vehicles like diesel, petroleum, or CNG are forms of fossil fuel from the remains of fossilised animals. 

  • Fossil fuels will get used up and finished one day. 

  • Windmills are used to derive wind energy.

  • The water that flows through a dam or water reservoir is used to make energy.

  • The energy derived from the sun is called solar energy.

  • Energy can also be derived from geothermal spots, and this energy is called geothermal energy.


So, this is all about energy, its types, and some facts about it. In this article, you have learnt about the forms of energy and their sources, renewable and non-renewable energy, and facts related to energy. In higher classes, you will learn more about how different forms of energy can be converted into other forms. For example, heat energy is converted to light energy, etc.

FAQs on Science Facts About Energy

1: Do humans have energy?

Yes, the human body is made up of matter and energy because the chemical reactions in our body produce this energy. Our body comprises many things, like proteins and chemicals. Therefore, our body carries out various chemical reactions with the help of energy.

2: Who introduced the term “energy”?

“Energy” comes from the Greek word "energeia." This word has no direct link with the English language and was developed by the great Aristotle. However, Thomas Young introduced the term “energy” in 1800, but it didn’t get that much attention.

3: Can energy be finished or destroyed?

Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It changes from one form to another. There is a law called the law of conservation. It says that energy is indestructible and cannot be created. It exists, but it changes from one form to another.