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Is Arsenic a Metalloid

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Let’s Gather Some Interesting Information about Arsenic

Symbol of Arsenic: As

The Atomic Number of Arsenic: 33

Atomic Weight: 74.92

Division: Metalloid

Phase at Room Temperature: Solid

Density: 5.727 grams per cm cubed

Melting Point: 817°C, 1503°F

Boiling Point (Sublimation Point): 614°C, 1137°F

Found by: Albertus Magnus in 1250

Arsenic Valence Electrons: 5

Metalloids can be defined as chemical elements whose physical and chemical properties fall in between the metal and non-metal categories. Boron, germanium, silicon, antimony, arsenic, tellurium, and polonium are the seven most widely recognized metalloids.

Metalloids are located between metals and nonmetals. The orange colour on the Periodic table represents metalloids. They form a separating boundary between metals and nonmetals.

Arsenic is the third element in the fifteenth segment of the periodic table. It is classified as a metalloid because it has a few properties like metal and others of non-metal. Arsenic atoms have 33 electrons and 33 protons.  Arsenic has 4 valence electrons in the outer shell.



Properties of Arsenic

Arsenic exists in various allotropes. Allotropes are various structures of a similar component. Although they are composed of similar elements, their various structures can have different properties. For example, carbon has the allotropes graphite and diamond.

Arsenic's two most normal allotropes are yellow and metallic grey. Grey arsenic is weak and sparkling strong. Yellow arsenic is delicate and waxy. Yellow arsenic is reactive and extremely harmful. It converts to grey arsenic when presented to light at room temperature. Another allotrope is black arsenic.

Arsenic is normally present at high levels in the groundwater of various nations.

Arsenic is exceptionally harmful in its inorganic form.

Contaminated water utilised for drinking, food planning, and the water system of food crops represents the greatest danger to general well-being from arsenic.

Long-term exposure to arsenic from drinking water and food can cause malignant growth and skin injuries. It has additionally been related to cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. In utero and youth exposure adversely affects the cognitive development of the child.

Arsenic Poisoning

Arsenic Poisoning

Uses of Arsenic

Arsenic has been utilised in the past as a pesticide as well as a wood preservative. Due to natural issues, it is not generally utilised as an insecticide and is being deliberately gotten rid of as a wood additive in the United States. 

As a wood preservative, the compound copper arsenate assisted with preventing the wood from decaying and held termites and different insects back from destroying the wood. Arsenic is joined with gallium to create gallium arsenide for use in high-velocity instruments and optoelectronics. Different applications for arsenic incorporate metal compounds and glass making.

How was Arsenic Found?

Arsenic meaning: Arsenic has been referred to about since old times as a component of a compound with sulphur. It is imagined that it was first detached during the Middle Ages by German thinker Albertus Magnus in 1250. Arsenic might have gotten its name from the Greek word "arsenikon" which signifies "yellow shade" or "arsenikos" and which signifies "powerful."

Why is Arsenic Considered Toxic to Humans?

The small molecule of arsenic can easily get into cells, destroys the cells, and interferes with the basic mechanism of the cells. It disturbs cellular respiration and arsenic may interact directly with red cell membranes. This explains the toxicity of arsenic to humans.

How does Arsenic Affect the Environment?

Since arsenic cannot be destroyed, it accumulates in the environment in large amounts and interferes with the environment. Arsenic is emitted by copper, zinc, lead industries, and agriculture as well.

It is also present in plants so it toxifies the plant substances as well. Arsenic is also present in water so it can cause genetic alteration in fishes and the birds which feed on fishes and water organisms can also die due to arsenic poisoning as the fish is decomposed in their bodies. 

To prevent this arsenic pollution we need to substitute high arsenic sources such as groundwater with low arsenic sources such as rainwater and treated groundwater. Oxidation, absorption, ion exchange, and membrane techniques are some technologies for arsenic removal.

Arsenic Periodic Table

Arsenic-75 is the only isotope that occurs in nature.


The symbol of Arsenic is Ar. The atomic number of Arsenic is 33 and Arsenic valence electrons are 5. At the point when arsenic is heated in the air, it combines with oxygen to create arsenic trioxide. Regardless of how harmful arsenic is, a tiny amount is thought of as significant for the strength of animals. Arsenic doesn't melt under standard pressure, however, sublimes directly into gas. It just melts under high pressure. We suggest that you NEVER use, handle, or examine arsenic or its mixtures. It is exceptionally risky. Arsenic is non-combustible but arsenic dust powder when exposed to heat can explode.

FAQs on Is Arsenic a Metalloid

1. How does arsenic get into drinking water?

The most common way for arsenic to get into drinking water is through natural causes like erosion of mineral deposits in bedrock or soil. Other ways include mining (especially coal mining) or industrial pollution from metal processing or agricultural pesticides. It may also be present naturally in the ground source of supply such as groundwater aquifers.

2. Where can arsenic be found?

Arsenic is present in the Earth's crust. It very well may be present down in its free form, yet this is uncommon. Most arsenic exists in minerals like realgar, mispickel (arsenopyrite), and orpiment. Arsenic for modern use is produced as a result of mining gold, silver, and copper.

3. Why is arsenic one of the most chemically reactive elements?

Arsenic is one of the most chemically reactive elements because it has a high affinity for other metals. This creates significant changes to its properties, leading to many different chemical compounds. Arsenic tends to share electrons with other atoms, which renders its ability to retain an electron unstable and highly reactive.

4. Is Arsenic a metalloid?

Arsenic is a metalloid, it has some properties similar to both metals and nonmetals. It has a metallic lustre which makes the possibility of it being a metal highly likely. Yet, its melting point at 262 °C shows that it may not be suitable for classification as a metal. 

5. What are the symptoms of arsenic poisoning?

In children, swelling in the gums, tinea (rickets), Dry mouth with bad breath, heartburn, and stomach pain are some of the symptoms of arsenic poisoning.