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Indian Accounting Standards: Overview and Benefits

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Overview of Indian Accounting Standards

Accounting is known as the art of recording the exchanges in a manner to assist the perusers with showing up at the decisions or reaching a financial decision about the entity. This becomes fundamental that it ought to be joined into some normalized rules which are for the most part known to account for approaches.

Indian Accounting Standard is the Accounting standard taken on by organizations in India and given under the oversight of the Accounting Standards Board which was composed as a body in the year 1977.

The concocting of these strategies permits different organizations to adjust their accounting standards to repair for their own benefit. Standards are acquainted with quenching all disarrays, and these should have been set by the perceived accounting bodies. This idea repaired the way for the development of Accounting Standards. The Accounting Standards in India are given by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI).

Objectives of the Indian Accounting System

There are many objectives of an Indian Accounting system. We will discuss each and every point under IAS and understand its importance.

  • This way, the global scope of Indian companies is expanded and they have a wider

  • platform to perform on.

  • This way the Indian companies can imply their rates and demands according to the global rates.

  • This way the company accounts and the annual financial statements are transparent.

  • It is easy and can be understood by companies worldwide.

  • It lets us have a single framework for a single accounting framework.

Indian Accounting System: Benefits

As we already know that without benefits, nobody will try to pursue an accounting system like this. There are many benefits gained while following the Indian Accounting System, let us discuss all of them in detail.

  • International Base - This lets the business have an international base and platform for companies to perform.

  • Harmonization - This lets the companies harmonize their rules.

  • Compliance - Increase compliance in companies.

  • Global Acceptance - Globally reaches other companies and benefits them. This also gives global or international recognition.

Indian Accounting Standards List

Indian Accounting Standard Number

Name of Indian Accounting Standard 

Ind AS 101

Adoption of Indian Accounting Standard.

Ind AS 102

Share-Based Payment

Ind AS 103

Business Combinations

Ind AS 104

Insurance Contracts

Ind AS 105

Non- Current Assets are held for sale and are Discontinued Operations.

Ind AS 106

Exploration for and the evaluation of the Mineral Resources.

Ind AS 107

Financial Instruments: Disclosures

Ind AS 108

Operating Segments

Ind AS 109

Financial Instruments

Ind AS 110

Consolidated Financial Statements

Ind AS 111

Joint Arrangements

Ind AS 112

Disclosure of Interest to Other Entities

Ind AS 113

Fair Value Measurement

Ind AS 114

Regulatory Deferral Accounts

Ind AS 115

Revenue from contract with customers

Ind AS 1

Presentation of Financial Statements 

Ind AS 2


Ind AS 7

Statement of Cash Flows

Ind AS 8

Accounting Policies, Changes in the Accounting Estimates and Errors

Ind AS 10

Events after Reporting Period

Ind AS 12 

Income Taxes

Ind AS 16

Property, Plant, Equipment.

Ind AS 17


Ind AS 19

Employee Benefits

Ind AS 20

Accounting for government grants.

Ind AS 21

The result for the changes in Foreign Exchange Rates

Ind AS 23

Borrowing Costs

Ind AS 24

Related Party Disclosures

Ind AS 27

Separate Financial Statements

Ind AS 28

Investments in Associates and in the Joint Ventures

Ind AS 29

Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies 

Ind AS 32

Financial Instruments Presentation

Ind AS 33

Earnings per share

Ind AS 34

Interim Financial Reporting

Ind AS 36

Impairment of Assets

Ind AS 37

Provisions, Contingent Liabilities, and Assets

Ind AS 38

Intangible Assets

Ind AS 40

Investment Property

Ind AS 41


Indian Accounting Standards Applicability

The Indian Accounting Standards are followed by all the companies. They shall follow Ind AS either Voluntarily or Mandatorily. When a company follows the Indian AS, either mandatory or voluntarily, it cannot return to its old method of Accounting.

Mandatory Applicability

Companies with a Net worth of not less than 500 crores are required to follow Ind AS.

Mandatory Applicability from Accounting Period beginning on or after 1 April 2017

  • By every Listed Company.

  • Also, by the Unlisted Companies with a Net worth which is greater than or equal to Rs. 250 crores but less than Rs. 500 crores

Indian Accounting Standards Summary

Every functioning body that operates, needs a defined guideline so as to maintain the procedure and the standards of the operations of its own business. The rules make the policies common for organizations that operate in similar fields. 

FAQs on Indian Accounting Standards: Overview and Benefits

1. Details About ICAI.

ICAI is the abbreviation for The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, ICAI institute harmonizes all the accounting policies and the accounting practices which is followed by different companies. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) is the accounting body of India. This institute was set up on 1 July 1949 as a statutory body under the CA Act, 1949 that was first enacted by the parliament. This is the licensing and regulating body of the financial audit and accountancy profession in India.

2. What is the Objective of the Accounting Standard?

The main agenda of the Accounting Standards is to standardize the diverse accounting policies and accounting practices. The Accounting Standards were used and implemented to eliminate the confusion of financial statements and to make them reliable to outsiders. The standards are the general policy files, whose major goal is to make certain transparency, reliability, consistency, and comparability of the monetary statements. They need to achieve this through the standardizing accounting of insurance policies and concepts of a nation or economic system.

3. Who are the Listed Companies?

Listed is the term which describes a company that is included in a stock exchange and in that stock exchange the listed company’s stock can be traded. Companies are required to meet certain requirements and follow defined rules of any exchange on which they are being listed.

The company's shares which are on the list or on the board of stock are officially traded on a stock exchange.

4. What do you mean by accounting and what is the Indian accounting standard and when was it started?

Accounting Standards Board was composed as a body in the year 1977. Indian Accounting Standard is the Accounting standard taken on by organizations in India and given under the oversight of the government of India. Accounting is known as the art of recording the exchanges in a manner to assist the perusers with showing up at the decisions or reaching a financial decision about the entity.

5. What is the role of ICAI (Institute of Chartered Accountant of India) in the Accounting standard and how are they helpful?

The Accounting Standards in India are given by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI). The concocting of these strategies permits different organizations to adjust their accounting standards to repair for their own benefit. This idea repaired the way for the development of Accounting Standards. Standards are acquainted with quenching all disarrays, and these should have been set by the perceived accounting bodies.

6. What are the major objectives of the Indian accounting system?

The Indian accounting system has been created with unique techniques to increase profits. It takes along the objective like - it lets us have a single framework for a single accounting framework, the global scope of Indian companies is expanded and they have a wider platform to perform on, it is helpful for the company accounts and the annual financial statements are transparent, Indian companies can imply their rates and demands according to the global rates, it is easy and can be understood by companies worldwide.

7. What are the applications of the Indian Accounting Standards in both the national and international markets?

The Indian Accounting Standards are followed by majorly all the countries. They are supposed to follow the Indian Accounting Standards in two given ways, either mandatory or voluntary. They are bound to follow and obey the given rules and work according to the given conditions. If the country opts for any of the given methods, that country cannot go back to its previous accounting methods.

8. What are the benefits of the Indian Accounting system?

The Indian Accounting Standards are very beneficial strategically like it lets the business have an international base and platform for companies to perform. It lets the companies harmonize their rules. Globally reaches other companies and benefits them. This also gives global or international recognition. It increases compliance in companies. Hence, to grow the business legally the Indian accounting system is key to achieving it.