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Important Questions for CBSE Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter 4 - Albert Einstein at School

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CBSE Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter- 4 Important Questions - Albert Einstein at School Free PDF Download

Free PDF download of Important Questions with solutions for CBSE Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter 4 - Albert Einstein at School prepared by expert English teachers from latest edition of CBSE(NCERT) books.

Study Important Questions for Class 11 English Chapter 4 – Albert Einstein at School

Very Short Answer Questions - 1 Mark

1. Word-Meaning

  1. Lodging 

Ans: Accommodation in a house, particularly in rented rooms.

  1. Howling 

Ans: To let out a lengthy, sorrowful yowl, as if one were a dog or wolf.

  1. Reluctantly 

Ans: feeling or displaying reluctance, hesitation, or unwillingness to participate.

  1. Accord 

Ans: to be in a state of consistency or harmony.

2. Which Teacher Asked for the Einstein Theory of Education? 

Ans: Mr. Braun, a history teacher, inquires about Einstein's educational perspective.

3. What Does Einstein Think of Education? 

Ans: Einstein did not place a premium on facts above thoughts. He considered ideas to be more significant than facts.

4. What Does the History Teacher's Opinion of Albert? 

Ans: Albert's history teacher had a low opinion of him. Albert, he says, is an ungrateful young man who should be ashamed of himself.

5. What Does the Teacher Suggested Albert's Father? 

Ans: Albert's father should have his name removed from the school, according to the history instructor.

B. Short Answer Questions - 2 Marks 

6. What Made Mr Braun Speechless? 

Ans: Mr Braun was dumbfounded when he heard Albert's response to his question about the year the Prussians destroyed the French at Waterloo. Mr Braun questioned him about why he still doesn't know despite having been told numerous times. As a result, Albert remarked that studying dates is pointless.

7. Why Albert Did Not Want to Learn Dates and Facts? 

Ans: Albert's knowledge was not based on dates and facts, but rather on content. Albert argued that knowing dates and information was pointless because they could be gleaned from books at any moment. And he didn't think studying facts was a necessary component of schooling.

8. How Did the History Teacher Punish Albert for Not Answering His Questions? 

Ans: Hearing Albert's response, the history teacher became enraged, his eyes becoming icy and vicious. He didn't want to lecture Albert any longer, so he made him stay in for an extra period that day. He described him as a shame.

9. Why Going Back to His Lodgings Did Not Cheer Albert? 

Ans: Albert grew up in a violent ghetto environment. He routinely witnessed his landlord abusing her children. The landlady's husband would come home drunk every Saturday and beat her. He couldn't bear the children's screams and howling.

10. Why Did Albert Feel Miserable? 

Ans: Albert was irritated since he had to stay after school for an extra period that day. He despised going to school and stayed in school. He was irritated since he would have to return the next day as well.

C. Short Answer Questions - 3 Marks 

11. What Conclusions were Made by Albert After Spending Six Months in Munich? 

Ans: Albert was forced to spend six months in Munich alone. Meanwhile, he came to the conclusion that he needed to go because he thought it was foolish to continue in this manner. He sees he has been squandering his father's money as well as everyone's time. So he reasoned that everything should come to a halt at that point.

12. How is Music a Comfort for Albert? 

Ans: Albert was unhappy in both his accommodations and at school. He despised and despised going to school. Returning to the hostel did not help him feel better because he would have to listen to the landlady's children howl and cry. He was able to relax by playing the violin, which was a source of comfort for him.

13. Who are Elsa and Yuri? What Role Do They Have in the Chapter? 

Ans: Albert has a cousin named Elsa. Her father's business is based in Berlin, thus she lives there. Her definition of knowledge was memorising facts and knowing them by heart, then writing everything down in exams. Yuri is a medical student in his senior year. He introduces Albert to Dr. Ernest Weil and assists him in obtaining the medical credential that he so desperately needed.

14. What was Mr Koch’s Opinion About Albert? How Did He Refer Albert Regarding His Wish to Join a College in Italy? 

Ans: Albert was well regarded by Mr Koch. He believed he could no longer teach Albert and that Albert would now be able to teach his teachers. He was certain and confident that Albert was ready to enrol in a college or institute to pursue a degree in higher mathematics.

15. Why Does Yuri Think That Medical Certificate Would Help Albert? Why Does the Author Write That Albert Felt as If the Medical Certificate is Burning a Hole in His Pocket? 

Ans: Yuri believed that Albert's medical certificate would allow him to take a six-month break from school. This way, he won't have to quit school and will be able to return and complete his diploma requirements. Albert wanted to display his medical certificate to the head instructor and see how he would react. However, he understands that the certificate is no longer essential because Albert has been expelled by the headteacher.

D. Long Answer Questions - 5 marks 

16. Who Spoke the Lines “I Knew You Were Going to Leave Before You Knew Yourself”? How Did the Person Come to Know? 

Ans: Albert's maths instructor was Mr Koch. He was eager to instruct him. Yuri requested that Albert obtain a written reference from him. He gladly provided Albert with the reference he requested. He dispelled Albert's fears about going to college and stated that he is now prepared to enrol in a college or institute to study higher mathematics. Mr Koch was adamant that Albert stay in school. He reasoned that when one leaves, one should ask for a reference. Albert will be treated to many more surprises. Albert was not allowed to stay in school, according to the principal. Mr Koch was very discreet and kept private conversations private.

17. How the Teachers were Interested in Understanding Albert and Bringing Out His Potential? 

Ans: The chapter not only depicts Albert's biography but also how his teachers aided him. Mr Braun, his history teacher, and Mr Koch, his maths teacher, helped him realise his full potential. Mr Braun was uninterested in learning about Albert and maximising his potential. He adhered to traditional educational techniques and philosophy, which placed a greater emphasis on knowledge acquisition. Mr Koch admired Einstein's brilliance and held favourable views of him. However, he was limited to the notion that Albert is a math prodigy and lacked an understanding of who he is as a person.

18. What is the Role of Yuri in Albert’s Life? 

Ans: Yuri was Albert's senior. In his life, he played a variety of roles. He is Albert's buddy, philosopher, and guide. Albert loves and trusts Yuri, and he is the only one Albert likes. Yuri, on the other hand, is one of those pupils that enjoys waging duels. Yuri assists him in obtaining a medical certificate by introducing him to one of his friends, Dr Ernest Weil, who is a doctor. He advises Albert to be open and honest with the doctor and not to keep anything hidden from him. Before meeting with the headteacher, Yuri requests that Albert acquire a written reference from the mathematics teacher. For Albert, Yuri was like a rock.

19. How Einstein’s Life Went Miserable in Munich? What Does He Decide Six Months Later? 

Ans: Einstein's time at Munich was marred by two causes. These were his school and home environments. When he was punished, he had a lot of unpleasant days. He despised returning to school, but he had no choice. He wants his father will pick him up and take him away. He was, nonetheless, compelled to stay and earn a diploma. Einstein found the educational system to be uninteresting and the teachers to be uncaring. He stayed in one of Munich's worst neighbourhoods. The food was terrible. His existence was made terrible by a lack of comfort, grime, and nastiness. Her children would be beaten by the landlady. Albert discovered young pupils engaged in duels and murdering one another.

20. Write Biography of Albert Einstein. 

Ans: Sir Albert Einstein was a German scientist and mathematician who created the special and general theories of relativity. He was born on March 14, 1879, in Munich, and raised there. Einstein despised school and found it tedious and uninteresting. Einstein took advantage of the opportunity to drop out of school at the age of 15 when his family relocated to Milan, Italy. In 1921, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for his explanation of the photoelectric phenomenon. His work also had a significant impact on the development of atomic energy. Einstein concentrated on unified field theory in his later years. Einstein is often regarded as the most influential physicist of the twentieth century, thanks to his insatiable curiosity. "The only thing that gets in the way of my learning is my education," he said.