CBSE Class 1 Hindi Worksheets for Chapter 17 - Chakai Ke Chakdum
FAQs on CBSE Class 1 Hindi Worksheets for Chapter 17
1. What is nature according to Class 1 CBSE Hindi Chapter 17?
Nature is the natural, physical, material world or universe that surrounds us. “Nature” can be understood as the phenomena of the physical world. Understanding and caring for nature is an important part, if not the only one, of all kinds of studies. Although we humans are an active part of nature, the activities of humans are often taken as a category distinct from other natural phenomena. In the various uses of the word today, "nature" often refers to geology and land. wildlife. Nature can refer to the general domain of living plants and animals, and in some cases to the processes associated with inanimate objects.
2. Why do we need nature as explained by Chapter 17 in CBSE Class 1 Hindi?
Nature provides basic services that are vital to support human survival, such as food and drinking water and the absorption of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. But the evidence is also mounting on the benefits of a nature-rich environment for people's mental health and well-being.
The idea of nature is always with us. Nature has a habit of selling us products, from cars to shampoo. Never before has there been so much public support for nature.
3. How should we preserve nature as taught in Chapter 17 of CBSE Class 1 Hindi?
We frequently neglect how an awful lot of human beings rely upon nature. The time period encompasses residing organisms and the forces chargeable for the bodily world, which include the weather, mountains, oceans, and landscapes. Even city-dwellers residing in current skyscrapers want air to breathe, water to drink, and meals to consume, all of which can be furnished through nature. Thus, we should preserve nature.
4. Does Vedantu have chapters related to nature on its website?
Yes, Vedantu has chapters related to nature on its website. The content can be found with varying levels of knowledge; varying from the smallest classes to the higher ones. The knowledge level will begin from minimal information for easy learning and will eventually increase the amount of content and level of language would increase as well simultaneously with intricate details as the information needed would vary from classes and the age of the student who is looking for them.
5. How can I download reading material from Vedantu?
Accessing material from Vedantu is extremely easy and student-friendly. Students have to simply visit the website of Vedantu and create an account. Once you have created the account you can simply explore the subjects and chapters that you are looking for. Click on the download button available on the website on Vedantu to download the reading material in PDF format. You can also access all the resources by downloading the Vedantu app from the play store.