Who Is Anne Frank?
Annelies Marie is the full name of “Anne” Frank. Anne Frank was a Jewish teenager, who was a world-famous German-Dutch diarist who belongs to the Jewish heritage. She was one of the most famous Jewish victims of the Holocaust during World war II. About Anne Frank and her work in the diary of Anne Frank has been read by millions of people. She shared and explained all the renowned work in 'The Diary of Anne Frank.'
While escaping from the Nazi killing of Jews, Anne Frank’s family moved to Amsterdam and they lived their secret life for two years. At that time, Anne Frank authored a diary about her experiences and wishes. In 1945, Anne Frank's family was found and sent to concentration camps, where she died. Anne Frank's age at the time of her death is about 15 years.
Anne Frank Family
Edith Frank was the mother of Anne Frank. Otta Frank was the father of Frank. He was a lieutenant in the German army during World War 1. Later Otto Frank became a businessman in Germany and the Netherlands. Margot was the sister of Anne Frank and she was three years senior to Anne. Otto, the father of Frank, was the only immediate family member, who survived in the concentration camps.
When Was Anne Frank Born And Her Education
Anne Frank was born on 12th June 1929 in Frankfurt in Germany. Anne Frank belongs to a typical upper-middle-class family. They are German-Jewish families living in solitary around the religiously diverse neighbourhood near the outskirts of Frankfurt. While she was born, dramatic changes happened in German society which disturbed her happy family members. At that time, the whole German Jews people faced issues to lead their tranquil life.
Because a large part has imposed harsh sanctions on Germany by the treaty of Versailles while world war I came to end. In the 1920s the whole German economy terribly struggled to stand. The Father of Anne Frank Otto was a lieutenant in Germany. During the late 1920s and early 1930s, Adolf Hitler’s party, the anti-Semitic National German Socialist Workers Party (Nazi Party) emerged as the leading political force in Germany and controlled the government of Germany in 1933.
Otta said that he can remember the days of 1932, where groups of stormtroopers came marching towards Germany by, singing, 'When Jewish blood splatters from the knife,'"
Escaping To Amsterdam
As Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany on 20th Jan 1933, the Anne Frank family was pushed into the situation to escape from Germany to save their lives. In 1933, a family of Anne Franks moved to Amsterdam, Netherlands. In Anne Frank's biography otto mentioned that situation as That situation hurt them a lot and they realized that Germany was not the world so they left the country forever.
Even Anne Frank diary also described the circumstances of her emigrant family as ‘As we are Jewish, In 1933 my father immigrated to Holland and he became the managing director of the Dutch Opekta Company, which is the jam manufacturing company’.
When the whole of Germany was captured by the anti-Semitism Nasi party, Anne Frank was relieved from Germany to enjoy the new freedom life in her hometown of Amsterdam. Otto mentioned in Anne Frank diary that it is possible for them at that time to start over and feel free to move to a new place. In 1934, Anne Frank began to go to Amsterdam's Sixth Montessori School after taking a rest from the 1930s. She spent her relatively happy and normal childhood and she also had many friends from Dutch and Germany, Jewish and Christianity. She was also a bright and inquisitive student during her school days.
Nazi’s Invasion Of The Netherland
On 1st September 1939, Nazi Germany invaded Poland and ignited the global conflict and World War II began. On 10th May 1940, the German army invaded the Netherlands. On 15th May 1940, the entire Dutch army surrendered them and started the Nazi occupation in the Netherlands.
As per Anne Frank novel, After May 1940, the good time of Anne Frank was few and far between. The war, the surrender of the dutch and the arrival of Germany again started trouble for the Jews people in the Netherlands.
In early October 1940, the Nazi rulers imposed anti-Jewish measures in the Netherlands. They forced jews people to wear a yellow star of David all the time and they were pushed to observe strict curfew. They also banned the Jews from owning businesses. Nazi government forced Frank and her sister to study in segregated Jewish schools.
Even at that time, Otto managed to keep the whole control of his company and officially signed ownership over to two of his Christian associates, Jo Kleiman and Victor Kugler. But they need to continue their company in secret.
Hiding in The Secret Annex
On 5th July 1942, Margot received an official summons to report in Germany’s Nazi work camp. The next day, a family of Frank was hidden in an empty space of Otto's company building and that was mentioned as the Secret Annex in the Anne Frank story. While hiding, the Franks family is accompanied by their business partner Hermann van Pels family. Kleiman and Kugler, as well as Jan and Miep Gies and Bep Voskuijl, were the workers in the Otto company who gave food and other information about the world. This family nearly spent about two years hiding inside a secret annex and they never stepped outside the dark, damp, sequestered portion of the building.
On 4th August 1944, German secret police officers and four Dutch Nazis were spotted in the Secret Annex. They arrested everyone hidden including Frank and her family. Someone gave information about them to spot them.
Residents of the Secret Annex were shifted into Camp Westerbork, a concentration camp in the northeastern Netherlands. They arrived at the new spot through the passenger train on 8th August 1994. On 3rd September 1944, they were again transferred to Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland. While they arrived at Auschwitz, the men and women were kept separated. That was the last night Otto saw his wife and daughters. After several months of struggle with hard work, Frank and Margot again transferred to Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in Germany during the winter, they faced a scare for food and sanitation and became victims of awful diseases.
How Did Anne Frank Die?
Frank and her sister Margot got affected by typhus in the early spring of 1945. In March 1945, both died in consequent days. At the time of death, Anne Frank's age was about 15 years. At that time more than 1 million Jewish children died in Holocaust. At the end of the war, Otto, father of Frank, was the only survivor of the concentration camps and returned back to his home in Amsterdam and searched for his family in all possible ways. On 8th July 1945, he came to know about Margot and Anne Frank Deaths.
Anne Frank Diary
From the diary of Anne Frank from 14th June 1942 to 1st August 1944, Otto published a few Anne Frank quotes on 25th June 1947. Still, now it was published in 67 languages in the name of ‘The Diary of A Young Girl’. This became one of the most popular books with countless editions and many screens and stage adaptations were created worldwide. This remains one of the most moving books explaining the Jewish experience during the Holocaust.
On 12th June 1942, parents of Frank gave her a red-checkered diary during her 13th birthday. That time Anne Frank entered her imaginary friend named Kitty in her diary. While spending two years in the secret Annex, she wrote many extensive daily entries in her diary to spend her time. The diary expressed all depressions, sorrows in the form of Anne Frank quotes.
While Otto returned from Amsterdam at the end of the war, Miep Gies gave the saved Anne Frank authored diary to Otto to strengthen him. Then he got struck by what he discovered from the diary of Anne Frank's summary. The entire Anne Frank novel was with love, hope, creativity, wisdom, depth of emotion and rhetorical power far beyond her age. Entire Anne Frank information about her life was in her diary.
The Anne Frank House
Through Anne Frank's diary, people came to know all about Anne Frank and they campaigned against the government and saved the Secret Annex building. Even now, the Franks hiding spot was one of the three most popular museums in Amsterdam. In 2009, the USA’s Anne Frank centre launched a sapling initiative and planted saplings.
FAQs on Anne Frank Biography
Who gave Anne Frank her diary?
Otto Frank received a letter, which has information about his daughter’s death at Bergen-Belsen. Later Miep Gies gave Anne Frank's diary to Otto. Later, she found and buried the diary after arresting Frank and providing hope about the return of Anne.
How long was Anne Frank in hiding?
About 761 days, Anne Frank spent her life in the Secret Annex. Though each day of Anne Frank in the secret annexe is different from the last day, there was a certain rhythm to life in the Secret Annex. Like the diary of Anne Frank's summary, it contains a few of her short stories which can reconstruct and also explain how typical weekdays and Sundays are in the Secret Annex.
What were Anne Frank's last words?
According to the diary of Anne Frank's summary, her last entry was on Tuesday, 1st August 1944. The last Anne Frank story was the Dearest Kitty, "A bundle of contradictions" was the last of her previous letter and is the beginning of this one.