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Write an article for your school magazine in a competition that was recently held in your school. Write the article in about 300 words using the points given below:
Name of the competition-nature of event-organizers-number of participants-chief guest-judges-quality of the competition-criteria for the judgement-winners-overall experience.

Last updated date: 08th May 2024
Total views: 336.3k
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Hint: Let us consider each of the points given and elaborate on them to write our own article.
Complete step-by-step answer:
The Nightingales of St John’s
On Saturday, 18th July, a singing competition was held at St. John’s School. This competition titled The Voice of St. John’s saw a massive turnout as parents and students crowded the auditorium to hear the students’ melodious voices.
The chief guest of the event was none other than our ex-principal Mrs. Hema Sanjeevani who is a renowned classical singer herself. The competition was organized by her organization Raga in an effort to scout the best new budding talents in the city and to provide them with training by the best musicians in the city. Our other judges were Mr. Alex D’Souza and Miss Ila Khan, two renowned musical veterans.
A total of 30 students participated in the event. They ranged from the standards of fifth to the tenth and fearlessly delivered jaw-dropping renditions of the latest pop songs. The audience was mesmerized to say the least. Choosing a winner from among all the brilliant singers was easier said than done. However, after a long and patient wait, Miss Jiya Sharma from class Tenth C was announced as the winner to long and resounding applause.
It was indeed a most wondrous event made only more successful by the wonderful hospitality of the school and the sweet voices of the students!
Note: You can add examples from competitions held at your school to write an interesting article!

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