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Which one of the following rulers of Magadha was the contemporary of Alexander the Great?
a. Mahapadmananda
b. Dhanananda
c. Sankalp
d. Chandragupta Maurya

Last updated date: 21st May 2024
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Hint: He was the last emperor of Nanda who opposed the oppressive way of tax collection. He is known in Greek texts as Agrammes or Xandrames.

Complete step by step answer:
1. During his rule, Alexander conquered North-Western India, but because of his army's refusal, he did not proceed into the Gangetic plains.
2. He inherited from his father an immense kingdom. He had a standing army of 200,000 infantry, 20,000 horsemen, 3,000 elephants, and 2,000 chariots. Due to this, he became a powerful king.
3. He is said to be one of Mahapadma Nanda's 8 or 9 sons.
4. Dhana Nanda was the last Nanda emperor. He maintained alive the Magadhan kingdom and possessed a mighty army and immense resources. Also mentioned by many sources is the fabulous wealth of the Nandas.
5. In the Tamil Sangam work, Ahananuru by the poet Mamulanar, the immense abundance of the Nandas is also referred to. In the Nanda dominions, the thriving state of agriculture and the country's general prosperity must have provided considerable profits to the royal treasury.

So, the correct answer is Option :

Note: At a time when Alexander the Great was attempting to clash with the rulers in the north-western part of India, the Nanda Dynasty ruled India. To be precise, Dhanananda, this dynasty's last king, was the ruler.
Additional Information: Owing to an authoritarian method of extorting taxation, Dhanananda became unpopular with his people. Also, a vast number of enemies contributed to his Sudra roots and an anti-Kshatriya stance.
Finally, along with Chanakya, he was overthrown by Chandragupta Maurya, leading to the establishment of the Maurya Dynasty in Magadha.
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