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Which languages are spoken by Eskimos?
A) Aleut
B) Yupik
C) Inupik
D) All of these

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Eskimos are the native circumpolar individuals who have conventionally occupied the northern circumpolar area. They extend from eastern Siberia (Russia) to Alaska (United States), Northern Canada, Nunavik, Nunatsiavut, and Greenland.

Complete step by step solution:
The Eskimo–Aleut family of tongues comprises 2 similar sides: The Aleut (Unangan) side and the Eskimo side. The number of cases differs, with Aleut tongues having a significantly abridged case arrangement equated to those of the Eskimo subfamily. Eskimo–Aleut tongues hold forgotten occlusives at the bilabial, coronal, velar, and uvular places in all tongues except Aleut, which has gone astray the bilabial stops but reserved the nasal. In the Eskimo subfamily, a forgotten alveolar adjacent fricative is also existing. The Eskimo sub-family entails the Inuit linguistic and Yupik linguistic sub-groups. The Sirenikski tongue, which is almost non-existent, is occasionally observed as a 3rd branch of the Eskimo linguistic family. Additional sources esteem it as a collection having its place in the Yupik branch. Inuit tongues include a vernacular gamut, or vernacular chain, that expands from Unalakleet and Norton Sound in Alaska, transversely northern Alaska and Canada, and east to Greenland. Variations from western (Iñupiaq) to eastern parlance are noticeable by the reduction of stunted Yupik-related characteristics, growing consonant integration, and augmented consonant expansion, and lexical alteration. Thus, talkers of 2 adjacent Inuit parlances would typically be able to comprehend one another, but talkers from parlances distant from each other on the parlance gamut would have trouble comprehending one another. Seward Peninsula parlance in western Alaska, where much of the Iñupiat ethos has been in place for possibly less than 500 years, are significantly impacted by phonologic effects from the Yupik tongues. Eastern Greenlandic, at the conflicting end of the Inuit series, has had important word substitution due to an exclusive form of ritual name evasion.

Thus, option (D) is correct.

The non-Inuit sub-branch of the Eskimo branch of the Eskimo-Aleut linguistic family comprises 4 distinct Yupik tongues, 2 used in the Russian Far East and St. Lawrence Island, and 2 used in western Alaska, south-western Alaska, and the western part of Southcentral Alaska. The non-existent linguistics of the Sirenik people is occasionally claimed to be linked to these.