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Which is the oldest classical dance of India?
(A) Bharatanatyam
(B) Kathakali
(C) Odissi
(D) Kathak

Last updated date: 16th May 2024
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Hint: Indian classical dance or 'Shastriya Devesh' is a brolly word for numerous presentation arts entrenched in sacred Hindu harmonious theatre graces. Its philosophy and exercise can be traced to the Sanskrit transcript Natya Shastra.

Complete step-by-step answer:
Bharatanatyam, also formerly called Sadira Attam, is a chief practice of Indian classical dance that commenced in Tamil Nadu. Bharatanatyam is one of the ancient classical dance ethnicities in India. It was cherished in the shrines and quads of southern India since primaeval times It is one of 8 forms of dance documented by the Sangeet Natak Akademi and it conveys South Indian sacred leitmotifs and divine philosophies, predominantly of Shaivism, Vaishnavism and Shaktism. The portrayal of Bharatanatyam by 2nd century CE is mentioned in the olden Tamil epic Silappadikaram, while shrine statuaries of 6th to 9th century CE propose it was a well-polished routine art by the middle of 1st millennium CE. Bharatanatyam is the first classical dance practice in India. The dance form was predominant in primaeval Tamil Nadu, and numerous records have veiled them such as Natya Shastra. Natya Shastra is just a systematization by an unidentified writer of the types of dance prevailing in Tamil Nadu.

Thus, option (A) is correct.

Note: Bharatanatyam quickly extended after India achieved freedom from the British rule in 1947. It is now the most prevalent classical Indian dance form in India, relishes a high degree of backing in emigrant Indian societies, and is believed to be tantamount with Indian dance by many outsiders uninformed of the assortment of dances and presentation arts in Indian culture. In the 2nd half of the 20th century, Bharatanatyam has been to Indian dance ritual what ballet has been in the West.
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