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How can titration be used for medical testing?

Last updated date: 09th May 2024
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Hint: We can say that titration is a method to obtain the concentration of an analyte. We can say that an analyte is a solution which has to be identified. We can obtain the concentration of an analyte with the help of a reagent. We have to know that acid-base titration and redox titration are the two common types of titration.

Complete answer:
We can say that titration is a common process by which we can quantify a substance present in a solution. We can use this simple process in several products that are made through industries. We also have to know that titration is mostly utilized in the pharmaceutical industry to prepare products such as medicines.
In medicine, we can say that titration is a technique of maintaining the possible adverse reactions of the human body to drugs. This is significant as every individual reacts differently to drugs based on their age, weight, allergies, immunity, and comorbidity. With the help of titration, a doctor could adjust the dosage of prescription to attain the required results for a particular patient. We can also say that in medical testing, we can use titration to obtain the concentration of bases, concentration of acids, as well as other substances which are present in samples of blood and samples of urines. We can carry out titration with the help of a machine that is connected to a computer which either performs redox titrations (or) acid-base titrations. The output would be the plot of pH (or) any other physical parameter (vs) volume of titrant.

We have to know that for maintaining accuracy, automatic titration devices are also used in the pharmaceutical industry. In the pharmaceutical industry, we can say that the three most common methods of titration are purity analysis, content analysis, and determination of moisture/Karl Fischer water.
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