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The net of a cube-shaped number die is given below. Which number will not come on the adjacent surface which has number 5 on it?
  (a){\text{ 4}} \\
  (b){\text{ 1}} \\
  (c){\text{ 2}} \\
  (d){\text{ 3}} \\
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Last updated date: 16th May 2024
Total views: 426.3k
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Hint – In this question mold the figure given in the question into a cube. Then check for the face which is not adjacent to the face having number 5 on it. The number on this face will give the right answer.
Complete step-by-step answer:
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As we know that in a cube there are six faces as shown in figure.
Note the dice is in a cube shaped with face numbers are (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6).
Now as we know that in a cube for a particular face all faces are adjacent except the opposite face.
So from the given diagram when we construct the cube (or by common-sense) we have,
2 is opposite to 4, 1 is opposite to 5 and 6 is opposite to 3.
So from the above information the number which is not adjacent to number 5 is 1.
ABGH face value is 1 as shown in figure and CDEF face value is 5 as shown in figure and these are opposite to each other.
So the required answer is 1.
Hence option (B) is correct.

Note – A cube is a symmetrical three dimensional shape either solid or hollow, contained by six equal squares. A cube has a property that all the faces or sides have equal dimensions, the plane angle of the cube is the right angle, each face meets the other four faces and each of the vertices meets the three faces and three edges.