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The line joining two points A (2, 0) and B (3, 1) is rotated about A in anti-clockwise direction through an angle of \[{{15}^{\circ }}\] . The equation of the line in the now position, is


Last updated date: 25th Apr 2024
Total views: 418.8k
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HINT: -The formula to calculate the slope of a line between two points is given as follows

Complete step-by-step answer:

Another formula to calculate the slope of a line is given as follows

\[m=\tan \theta \]

(Where \[\theta \] is the angle made by the line with the x-axis of which the slope is being calculated)

As the line is rotated anti-clockwise keeping the point A as fixed, so the slope of the new line is increased by \[{{15}^{\circ }}\].

As mentioned in the question, we have to find the equation of the new line that is formed when the original line is rotated anti-clockwise keeping the point A fixed.

Now, using the formula given in the hint, we can find the slope of the line as follows

Hence, the angle made by this line with the x-axis is given as follows


  & \tan \theta =1 \\

 & \theta ={{45}^{\circ }} \\


Now, the line is rotated by \[{{15}^{\circ }}\] , so the slope of the new line obtained is as follows


  & m=\tan \left( {{45}^{\circ }}+{{15}^{\circ }} \right) \\

 & m=\tan ({{60}^{\circ }}) \\

 & m=\sqrt{3} \\


Hence, the equation of the new line can be written as follows


But it passes through (2, 0) that is point A, so, we can write as follows


  & ~y=\sqrt{3}x+c \\

 & 0=2\sqrt{3}+c \\

 & c=-2\sqrt{3} \\


Therefore, the equation of the new line is as follows


NOTE: -The students can make an error if they don’t know the general properties of the equation of a line which are mentioned in the hint as follows

The formula to calculate the slope of a line between two points is given as follows


Another formula to calculate the slope of a line is given as follows

\[m=\tan \theta \]

(Where \[\theta \] is the angle made by the line with the x-axis of which the slope is being calculated)

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