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The given graph represents the changes in thickening of the uterine wall in two women X and Y over a period of one month. What should be the correct conclusion regarding this?
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(a) Woman X has conceived
(b) Woman Y is undergoing menopause
(c) Both women X and Y will undergo menarche in the next month
(d) Both A and B

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Hint: Ovulation takes place in and around the 14th day of the menstrual cycle

Complete answer:To understand this question, first we would need to know about what goes on during the menstrual cycle. The table given below gives a clear description of the events:

Days 1-5Day 1 of the cycle marks the start of the bleeding phase. Periods can last from 3 to 8 days, (5 days is average).
Days 6-14Once the bleeding stops, the uterine lining (which is also called the endometrium) starts to prepare for the possibility of a pregnancy. The uterine lining gradually becomes thicker and enriched with more blood and nutrients.
Day 14-25Next around day 14, one egg is released from one of the ovaries (egg is released alternatively from each ovary in each cycle) and moves to the fallopian tubes to the uterus. If sperm is already present in the fallopian tube at this time, fertilization may take place resulting in implantation.
Days 25-28In case the sperm doesn’t reach the site, then the egg remains unfertilized and evidently implantation does not occur. Further, due to hormonal changes the uterus soon sheds its thick lining, and the egg breaks down. This shedding blood and mucus again marks the beginning of the next cycle.

Now, according to the graph, after day 14 of the cycle, when ovulation must have taken place, the slope of the line representing X is increasing which clearly suggests that the woman X has conceived and the endometrial lining is thick. On the other hand, the slope of the line Y is decreasing which suggests that no implantation took place and the bleeding phase has begun in woman Y.

Thus, the correct answer is option A. Woman X has conceived.

Note: Etiolation happens because the plant is desperately searching for a light source, so in order to stop etiolation, the plant should be subjected to adequate light. All plants need sunlight to grow, although the amount of light required for normal growth varies from plant to plant.