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The bonds present in ${{\text{N}}_{2}}{{\text{O}}_{5}}$ are:
A. Ionic
B. Covalent and coordinate
C. Covalent
D. Ionic and covalent

Last updated date: 25th Apr 2024
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Hint: The formation of bond take place by several methods such as ionic bond in which the complete transfer of electrons take place and a covalent bond is a bond which is formed by the sharing of the electrons and coordinate bond is the bond in which one element shares both the electrons.

Complete answer:
> Ionic bonds are formed between the metals and non-metals because the loss of an electron from an atom and gain of an electron by another atom takes place.
> Whereas in the covalent bond, the bond is formed between two metals and the equal sharing of electrons by both the elements take place.
> As we know that both nitrogen and oxygen are metals, so there are four covalent bonds present in nitrogen pentoxide.
> Moreover, we know that nitrogen can make three bonds as according to the electronic configuration of nitrogen (\[\text{1}{{\text{s}}^{2}}\text{ 2}{{\text{s}}^{2}}\text{ 2}{{\text{p}}^{3}}\]) there are three valence electrons in the outermost shell of the nitrogen.
> Also, nitrogen has a lone pair which does not participate in the bond formation and can be shared when needed and forms the coordinate bond.
> So, in nitrogen pentoxide, the structure includes four covalent bonds and one coordinate bond.
The structure of nitrogen pentoxide is:

seo images

Here, the arrow represents the coordinate bond through which nitrogen shares a lone pair to the oxygen to fully fill its octet.

Therefore, option B is the correct answer.

Note: Generally non-metals form covalent bonds and metals form ionic bonds because they lose their electrons easily. Coordinate bond is also a type of covalent bond but here the electron comes from the same atom.
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