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What is subsistence intensive farming?
A. Farming for local/ self-consumption
B. Farming for commercial purposes
C. Farming for community
D. Farming for charity

Last updated date: 17th May 2024
Total views: 373.8k
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Hint: Subsistence farming is a huge part of life in rural Africa, and parts of Asia and Latin America. In 2015, about 2 billion people in 500 million households living in rural areas of developing nations made use of intensive subsistence farming, working on less than 5 acres of land.

Complete Answer:
Option A: In subsistence intensive farming, simple tools and more labor are used to cultivate small land. Farmers use their small land to produce enough for local consumption, and the rest of the agricultural products are used in exchange for other commodities.
Option B: Commercial farming is about growing crops and / or raising animals for materials, food, or export purposes, especially for profitable purposes to a large extent as the aim of the farmer is to increase the profit margin.
Option C: A system that more forms a connection between producers and consumers within the food system by letting the consumers to keep a check on the harvest of a specific farm or group of farms, which is an alternative socioeconomic example of agriculture and food distribution that allows producers and consumers to share the outcome.
Option D: This type of farming helps people to grow a lot of food, take care of their livestock and build a living by making good use of their natural resources sustainably.
Therefore the correct answer is Option, ‘A. Farming for local/ self-consumption’.

Note: Other than intensive subsistence farming, this type of farming has various other methods including shifting agriculture, primitive farming, nomadic herding, etc. Due to simplicity and sufficiency this farming helps alleviate poverty.
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