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State whether true or false.
Copper is a poor conductor of electricity as compared to glass.
A.) True
B.) False

Last updated date: 26th Apr 2024
Total views: 411.9k
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Hint: In order to state the given statement first we will define conductor of electricity then according to properties of copper and glass and also on the basis of properties required for a good conductor we will compare both the material and find which one is a good conductor.

Complete step by step answer:

Electricity conductors are materials which allow a simple flow of electricity through them. If we equate two types of materials, and the first lets greater electricity flow through it, then that material is considered to be a strong electricity conductor.
An electric conductor allows for easy flow of electrical charges through them. Conductivity is the ability of conductors to "conduct" electricity. Such materials offer less opposition or “resistance” to the flow of charges. Conducting materials allow easy charge transfer because of the free movement of electrons through them.
Glass is usually an insulator and has electrons held tightly which means they aren't shared between other atoms, so it is a poor conductor of electricity whereas copper is a metal and has free electrons in it and therefore it is a good conductor of electricity.
Hence, the given statement is false.

So, B is the correct option.

Note- Although the materials that allow electricity to quickly pass through them are known as strong conductors, the materials that do not allow electricity to pass through them are called weak conductors or insulators. Better drivers provide less resistance to current flow, while the poor drivers do not pass current through them. The electrons in the strong conductors move freely, although the electrons do not move freely in the weak conductors. Metals such as iron, copper etc. are fine conductors, whereas fabrics such as rubber, glass, wood etc.