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State 1) Zeroth law of thermodynamics
2) Kelvin Planck statement
3) Clausius statement

Last updated date: 03rd May 2024
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Hint: All the three statements are related to thermodynamics. The Zeroth law deals with the systems in thermal equilibrium which are at the same temperature. The Kelvin Planck statement and Clausius statement are two different statements of the second law of thermodynamics.

Complete step by step solution:
- Let’s start with the Zeroth law of thermodynamics. There are different ways to state the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics, but in the simplest form the law can be stated as the systems that are in thermal equilibrium exist at the same temperature. That is, the systems are in thermal equilibrium if they do not transfer heat, even though they are in a position to do so, based on other factors.
- The law can also be explained by using three systems such as A, B and C. That is, If the systems A and C are in thermal equilibrium, and A and B are in thermal equilibrium, then the systems B and C will be in thermal equilibrium.
- The Kelvin Planck statement is a special case of the second law of thermodynamics. According to the statement, it is possible to construct a device that operates on a cycle and produces no other effect than the transfer of heat from a single body in order to produce work. Or in other words it is impossible to construct an engine whose only purpose is to convert the heat from a high-temperature reservoir or source into an equal amount of work.
- The Clausius statement states that it is impossible to build a system which can operate in a cycle, transfers heat from the low temperature object or reservoir to the high temperature object (or reservoir) without any work interaction or external effect with surrounding.

Note: It should be noted that, other than these statements there also exists various statements of the second law of thermodynamics such as Carnot's principle, Planck's proposition, Principle of Carathéodory etc. Also, working of refrigerators and heat pumps based on the Reversed Carnot Cycle is an application of this law.
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