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Solve the algebraic expression \[5=6+11x.\]

Last updated date: 28th Apr 2024
Total views: 423.9k
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Hint: Given is an algebraic expression. Rearrange the terms in the question. Undergo algebraic expressions like subtraction and division and find the value of x. Given is an algebraic expression, \[5=6+11x\] with variable ‘x’. An algebraic expression is built up from integer, constants, variables, and algebraic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and exponentiation by an exponent.

Complete step-by-step answer:
We have been given an expression with a variable ‘x’. So we need to find the value of x from the given expression.


From the equation, we can make out that LHS = 5 and RHS = 6+11x.

Let us take 6 from RHS and it becomes (-6).

  & \therefore 5=6+11x \\
 & 5-6=11x \\

Subtract the values in LHS.


Cross multiply and we get the value of x.


Thus we solved the algebraic expression.

\[\therefore \]Value of \[x={}^{-1}/{}_{11}\].

Note: If the expression was \[5=11x-6\], then the value of x becomes,


Taking (-6) from RHS to LHS, it becomes 6.

  & 5+6=11x \\
 & \Rightarrow 11=11x \\

Hence value of \[x=\dfrac{11}{11}=1.\]

If the expression was \[5=6y-11x\], then we won’t be able to solve as these are 2 variables,

so we need 2 equations to get both values of x and y.
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