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Select the correct plural form from the given singular form of the noun:
Sean gave away his _____ to the orphans on his birthday. (toy)
d)All of the above

Last updated date: 01st May 2024
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Hint: Singular nouns refer to one person, place, thing, or an idea. But in contrast, Plural nouns refer to a large quantity of the specific noun in a given sentence.

Complete step-by-step answer:

 As given in the hint, we can easily form the plural noun of a noun from its singular noun by adding ‘s’ or ‘es’.
Example- The plural noun of mango is mangoes, whereas the plural noun of dog is dogs.
According to the given question- We need to use the plural form of toy. Hence, we can understand that Sean gave away all of his toys to the orphans.
Let’s look at the given options:
a)Toys- It is the plural form of toy, as we have joined an ‘s’ in the end. Hence, it is the correct option.
b)Toy- It is a singular noun that refers to a single object. Hence, it is an incorrect option.
c)Toy’s- It is in the possessive case of a singular noun. Hence, it is an incorrect option.
The correct answer is Option ‘a’.

Note: We do not use an apostrophe unless and until the noun is in the possessive case.

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