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Rs. $130$ paise $7$$=$ how many rupees? Write in decimals.

Last updated date: 18th May 2024
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Hint: Here we will convert the paise into rupees by using the known relation between rupee and paise that is $1$ rupee $=$$100$ paise. From this above relation we will convert $7$ paise into rupees and add it to the given $130$ rupees.

Complete step by step answer:
Given that, Rs. $130$ paise $7$
Here we have extra $7$ paise. To get the whole amount in rupees we need to convert this paise into rupees.
We have a relation between the rupee and paise is $1$ rupee $=$$100$ paise. From this relation we can also write that $1$ paise $=$$\dfrac{1}{100}$ rupees.
$\therefore $ We need to multiply the above equation with $7$ to get how many rupees are there for $7$ paise.
  & \Rightarrow 7\times 1\text{ paise}=7\times \dfrac{1}{100}\text{ rupees} \\
 & \Rightarrow 7\text{ paise}=\dfrac{7}{100}\text{ rupees}...\left( \text{i} \right) \\
Now we have the value of $7$ paise in rupees. Therefore, the total amount Rs. $130$ paise $7$ can be written in rupees as
  & \text{Rs}\text{. }130\text{ paise }7=\text{Rs}\text{. }130+\text{Rs}\text{. }\dfrac{7}{100} \\
 & \Rightarrow \text{Rs}\text{. }130\text{ paise }7=\text{Rs}\text{. }\dfrac{130\times 100+7}{100} \\
 & \Rightarrow \text{Rs}\text{. }130\text{ paise }7=\text{Rs}\text{. }\dfrac{13007}{100} \\
But in the problem, they have asked to convert the result into decimal form. Here we have $100$ in the denominator so there is no need to multiply or divide any number to the fraction. To convert the result into decimal place a decimal after second decimal from right because $100$ is in denominator.
  & \therefore \text{Rs}\text{. }130\text{ paise }7=\text{Rs}\text{. }\dfrac{13007}{100} \\
 & \Rightarrow \text{Rs}\text{. }130\text{ paise }7=\text{Rs}\text{. }130.07 \\

Note: In the above problem we can directly use decimal in equation $\left( \text{i} \right)$, then we will get
  & ~7\text{ paise}=\text{Rs}\text{. }\dfrac{7}{100} \\
 & \Rightarrow 7\text{ paise}=\text{Rs}\text{. }0.07 \\
Now the total amount is given by
  & \text{Rs}\text{. }130\text{ paise }7=\text{Rs}\text{. }130+\text{Rs}\text{. 0}\text{.07} \\
 & \Rightarrow \text{Rs}\text{. }130\text{ paise }7=\text{Rs}\text{. 130}\text{.07} \\
From both the methods we got the same result.