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Molar mass of $NaN{O_3}$ is:

Last updated date: 25th Apr 2024
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Hint: Try to recall that molar mass of a substance is the mass in grams of 1 mole of that substance and also, atomic mass of sodium (Na), nitrogen (N) and oxygen (O) is known to you. Now by using this you can easily answer the given question.

Complete step by step solution:
To find the molar mass of a compound following steps have to be followed:
Step1: In this step, use the chemical formula of the given compound to determine the number of each type of atom present in the compound.
Step 2: In this step, multiply the atomic weight of each element by the number of atoms of that element present in the given compound.
Step 3: Finally, in this step add it all together and put units of grams/mole after the number.
Now, to find the molar mass of $NaN{O_3}$ you should follow the above listed steps:
Step 1: Number of Na atoms present in $NaN{O_3}$=1
Number of N atoms present in $NaN{O_3}$= 1
Number of O atoms in $NaN{O_3}$=3
Step 2: It is known to you that atomic mass of Na =23,
Atomic mass of N =14
And atomic mass of O=16
So, total mass of Na in $NaN{O_3}$=$1 \times 23 = 23$
Total mass of N in $NaN{O_3}$=$1 \times 14 = 14$
And total mass of O in $NaN{O_3}$=$3 \times 16 = 48$
Step 3: Therefore, molar mass of $NaN{O_3}$= $23 + 14 + 48$
$= 85{\text{ }} grams/mole$.

Hence, from above you can say that the molar mass of $NaN{O_3}$ is 85 grams/mole.

Note:It should be remembered to you that $NaN{O_3}$ is used in making fertilizers and is also used as a food preservative and rocket propellant.
Also, you should remember that the molar mass of a substance is used to convert between mass and number of moles of that substance.
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