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When metals and non-metals other than oxygen react, what is formed?
A. A covalent compound
B. An ionic compound
C. Oxygen
D. An ion

Last updated date: 16th May 2024
Total views: 344.4k
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Hint: Metal atoms have only a few electrons in their outer shell whereas non-metal atoms have lots of electrons in their outer shell. This means that metals tend to react with non-metals. When a metal reacts with a non-metal, electrons transfer from the metal to the non-metal.

Complete step by step answer:
When a metal reacts with a non-metal few changes take place with the compound or molecules undergoing the reaction.
Changes that take place during the reaction:
Transfer of electrons:
When metals react with non-metals, electrons are transferred from the metal atoms to the non-metal atoms, forming ions. The resulting compound is called an ionic compound.
Formation of ions:
The metal atoms give electrons to the non-metal atoms. The metal atoms become positive ions and the non-metal atoms become negative ions.
When metals and nonmetals other than oxygen react, an ionic compound is formed. Thus sodium metal reacts with chlorine nonmetal to form sodium chloride salt.

So, the correct answer is Option B.

 Note: Metals show the property of malleability while non-metals are non-malleable. Metals are electropositive elements and have a tendency to lose electrons and acquire a positive charge. While non-metals are electronegative elements and tend to gain electrons and acquire a negative charge.
Few examples of the reaction between metals and nonmetals:
Sodium + chlorine $\to$ sodium chloride
Magnesium + oxygen $\to$ magnesium oxide
Calcium + chlorine $\to$ calcium chloride.
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