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What were the inherent defects of the Weimar constitution which makes it unstable?

Last updated date: 16th May 2024
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Hint: Allied forces destroyed Imperial Germany in World War \[1\] . As Emperor Wilhelm retired, this offered an opportunity for legislative parties to reconstruct German politics. As a result, a national assembly convened in Weimar to establish a republic with a federal structure and a democratic constitution.

Complete answer:
Between \[1818\] to \[1919\] , Germany was in shambles; people were famished because the Kaiser had fled, and the government was dubbed "November criminals" for signing the armistice. As a result, the Weimar Republic was established. Due to intrinsic constitutional flaws such as proportional representation and Article \[48\] , the Weimar Republic was weak (which gave the President the power to impose emergency and rule by decree). They lacked charismatic leadership, and the government was still operating under the old monarchy structure. During the terrible economic crisis, the democratic parliamentary system failed to give remedies or advantages to the people.

The Weimar Constitution had two flaws that rendered it unstable:
i) The proportional representation system eventually led to coalition rule because no single party could form a government. The stability of the Weimar Constitution was harmed as a result of this.
ii) Article \[48\] was another flaw. The President was given the authority to declare a state of emergency, suspend civil liberties, and rule by decree. The Weimar Republic witnessed twenty different cabinets, each lasting an average of \[239\] days, and liberal use of Article \[48\] during its brief existence.

Note: Treaty of Versailles ended the state war between the Allies and Germany, and it is one of the most important peace accords signed in June \[28\] , \[1919\] , in Versailles, which brought World War One to a conclusion. On October \[21\] , \[1919\] , the United Nations secretariat registered the treaty.

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