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What is “freedom” – a verb, adjective, noun? What is “balance” – a verb, adjective, noun?

Last updated date: 16th May 2024
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Hint: Verbs are the words which tell us what action is being performed. Nouns are words which tell us what something is called.

Complete answer:
The word “freedom” refers to the state of imprisoned or enslaved or restricted etc. The word “freedom” is a noun and is used as the subject or the object in a sentence. For example
i) Freedom is a fundamental right of every living being. In this sentence, the noun “freedom” is used as the subject.
ii) The warriors fought relentlessly for their freedom. In this sentence, the noun “freedom” is used as the object.

Every word generally, has three forms of itself, namely noun, verb and adjective. The verb form of “freedom” is free. This word can be used as a verb in any sentence. For example Free the birds immediately. The adjective form of “freedom” is also free. For example I will be free after 5pm. Here free is an adjective.

The word “balance” is a noun and it is the even distribution of weight that enables something or someone to remain upright. The word “balance” is also a verb. Here, it means to distribute weight evenly to keep something steady. It also means to compare the values of two things. For example
The child lost his balance and fell on the ground. Here ‘balance’ is used as a noun.
The child carefully balanced himself on the skateboard. Here ‘balance’ is used as a verb.

Thus, ‘Freedom’ is a noun. ‘Balance’ is both a verb and a noun.

i) The present participle of a verb is the verb + ing. For e.g. swim + ing = swimming.
ii) Sometimes, this present participle form of a verb is used as a noun in a sentence.
- The boy was swimming across the river. Here it is used as a verb.
- It was the boy’s swimming that saved his life. Here it is used as a noun.
iii) This usage of a present participle form of a verb as a noun, is called gerund.

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